- geothermal steam
геотермальный пар
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Geothermal steam — Steam drawn from deep within the earth. California Energy Comission. Dictionary of Energy Terms … Energy terms
Geothermal power — (from the Greek roots geo , meaning earth, and therme , meaning heat) is energy generated by heat stored in the earth, or the collection of absorbed heat derived from underground, in the atmosphere and oceans. Prince Piero Ginori Conti tested the … Wikipedia
Steam turbine — A rotor of a modern steam turbine, used in a power plant A steam turbine is a mechanical device that extracts thermal energy from pressurized steam, and converts it into rotary motion. Its modern manifestation was invented by Sir Charles Parsons… … Wikipedia
geothermal — adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1875 of, relating to, or utilizing the heat of the earth s interior; also produced or permeated by such heat < geothermal steam > < geothermal regions > • geothermally adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
geothermal field — /dʒioʊθɜməl ˈfild/ (say jeeohthermuhl feeld) noun an area in which geothermal steam occurs, which is then harnessed to produce geothermal power …
Geothermal power in New Zealand — is a small but significant part of the energy generation capacity of the country, providing approximately 7% of the country s electricity with installed capacity of over 400 MW. [http://www.nzgeothermal.org.nz/geothermal energy/electricity… … Wikipedia
Geothermal heating — has been used since the time of the Roman Empire as a way of heating buildings and spas by utilizing sources of hot water and steam that exist near the Earth s surface. [Climate.Org Renewable Energy: Geothermal,… … Wikipedia
Geothermal energy exploration in Central Australia — is an area of considerable activity, which involves finding vast blocks of hot rocks with fracture systems that could generate electricity through water being injected, circulated through the fractures, and being returned to surface as steam.… … Wikipedia
Geothermal areas of Yellowstone — Map of all coordinates from Google Map of all coordinates from Bing Export all coordinates as KML … Wikipedia
geothermal energy — Power obtained by using heat from the Earth s interior. Most geothermal resources are in regions of active volcanism. Hot springs, geysers, pools of boiling mud, and fumaroles are the most easily exploited sources. The ancient Romans used hot… … Universalium
Geothermal Energy — Energy produced by the internal heat of the earth; geothermal heat sources include: hydrothermal convective systems; pressurized water reservoirs; hot dry rocks; manual gradients; and magma. Geothermal energy can be used directly for heating or … Energy terms