geometrical adjectives

geometrical adjectives
геометрические характеристики

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "geometrical adjectives" в других словарях:

  • '-ic' and '-ical' words — Many adjectives end in ic or ical . ◊ adjectives related to ic nouns Sometimes an adjective ending in ical is related to a noun ending in ic . She loved music and played the piano well. The majority of the finance for musical performances comes… …   Useful english dictionary

  • '-ic' words — Many adjectives end in ic or ical . ◊ adjectives related to ic nouns Sometimes an adjective ending in ical is related to a noun ending in ic . She loved music and played the piano well. The majority of the finance for musical performances comes… …   Useful english dictionary

  • '-ical' words — Many adjectives end in ic or ical . ◊ adjectives related to ic nouns Sometimes an adjective ending in ical is related to a noun ending in ic . She loved music and played the piano well. The majority of the finance for musical performances comes… …   Useful english dictionary

  • -ical — suffix. 1 forming adjectives corresponding to nouns or adjectives, usu. in ic (classical; comical; farcical; musical). 2 forming adjectives corresponding to nouns in y (pathological). * * * ə̇kəl, ēk adjective suffix Etymology: Middle English,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • -oid — suffix forming adjectives and nouns, denoting form or resemblance (asteroid; rhomboid; thyroid). Derivatives: oidal suffix forming adjectives. oidally suffix forming adverbs. Etymology: mod.L oides f. Gk oeides f. eidos form * * * I. ˌȯid noun… …   Useful english dictionary

  • -hedron — comb. form (pl. hedra) forming nouns denoting geometrical solids with various numbers or shapes of faces (dodecahedron; rhombohedron). Derivatives: hedral comb. form forming adjectives. Etymology: Gk hedra seat * * * a combining form meaning face …   Useful english dictionary

  • English words with uncommon properties — For the purposes of this article, any word which has appeared in a recognised general English dictionary published in the 20th century or later is considered a candidate. For interest, some archaic words, non standard words and proper names are… …   Wikipedia

  • Jewish philosophy — Colette Sirat INTRODUCTION The history of medieval Jewish philosophy can be divided into two consecutive periods. The first, beginning in the ninth century and ending roughly with the death of Maimonides in 1204, occurred in Islamic lands. The… …   History of philosophy

  • SPINOZA, BARUCH (Bento, Benedictus) DE — (1632–1677), philosopher born in Amsterdam of Portuguese background, who became one of the most important representatives of the rationalist movement in the early modern period. Introduction In the Jewish and National Library in Jerusalem,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Apollo — This article is about the Greek and Roman god. For other uses, see Apollo (disambiguation) and Phoebus (disambiguation). Not to be confused with Phobos (mythology). Apollo …   Wikipedia

  • Astrology — Not to be confused with Astronomy. ‹ The template below (Ast box) is being considered for merging. See templates for discussion to help reach a consensus. › …   Wikipedia

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