- geologic record
геологическая колонка
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Geologic record — The layer cake like appearance of concordant strata laid down over hundreds of thousands of years … Wikipedia
geologic time — the succession of eras, periods, and epochs as considered in historical geology. [1860 65] * * * Interval of time occupied by the Earth s geologic history, extending from с 3. 9 billion years ago (corresponding to the age of the oldest known… … Universalium
Geologic time scale — This clock representation shows some of the major units of geological time and definitive events of Earth history. The Hadean eon represents the time before fossil record of life on Earth; its upper boundary is now regarded as 4.0 Ga.[1] Other… … Wikipedia
Geologic temperature record — The Geologic temperature record are changes in Earth s environment as determined from geologic evidence on multi million to billion (109) year time scales.Evidence for past temperaturesOur evidence for past temperatures comes mainly from isotopic … Wikipedia
Earth, geologic history of — Introduction evolution of the continents, oceans, atmosphere, and biosphere. The layers of rock at the Earth s surface contain evidence of the evolutionary processes undergone by these components of the terrestrial environment during the… … Universalium
Temperature record — For extreme records instead of records as a set of data, see Temperature extremes For instrument derived temperature records, see Instrumental temperature record … Wikipedia
Timeline of the geologic history of the United States — This time line of the geologic history of the United States chronologically lists important events occurring within the present political boundaries of United States (including territories) before 12,000 years ago. This time line segment may… … Wikipedia
Earth Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Geology and Geochemistry The theme of the 33rd International Geological Congress, which was held in Norway in August 2008, was “Earth System Science: Foundation for Sustainable Development.” It was attended by nearly… … Universalium
geochronology — geochronologic /jee oh kron l oj ik/, geochronological, adj. geochronologist, n. /jee oh kreuh nol euh jee/, n. the chronology of the earth, as based on both absolute and relative methods of age determination. [1890 95; GEO + CHRONOLOGY] * * *… … Universalium
dating — I In geology and archaeology, the process of determining an object s or event s place within a chronological scheme. Scientists may use either relative dating, in which items are sequenced on the basis of stratigraphic clues (see stratigraphy) or … Universalium
Antarctica — /ant ahrk ti keuh, ahr ti /, n. the continent surrounding the South Pole: almost entirely covered by an ice sheet. ab. 5,000,000 sq. mi. (12,950,000 sq. km). Also called Antarctic Continent. * * * Antarctica Introduction Antarctica Background:… … Universalium