- general-purpose computer
универсальная ЭВМ
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
general purpose computer — universalusis kompiuteris statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. general purpose computer vok. Universalrechner, m rus. универсальный компьютер, m pranc. ordinateur universel, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
general purpose computer — computer which can perform various tasks and is not intended for one particular task … English contemporary dictionary
general-purpose — ˈgeneral ˌpurpose adjective [only before a noun] 1. a general purpose product is suitable for most uses or situations that such products are normally used for: • a general purpose computer • general purpose telecommunications software 2. FINANCE… … Financial and business terms
general-purpose — adj [only before noun] suitable for most situations or jobs, or having a wide range of uses ▪ a general purpose computer … Dictionary of contemporary English
General purpose technology — General purpose technologies (GPTs) describe great leaps of innovation that can affect an entire economy (usually at a national or global level). Unlike traditional technologies, which economists view as a smooth advancement, GPTs are drastic… … Wikipedia
General-purpose computing on graphics processing units — General Purpose Processing on Graphics Processing Units GPGPU est l abréviation de General Purpose Processing on Graphics Processing Units, c est à dire calcul générique sur un processeur graphique. GPGPU en modèle de remplacement du CPU Jusqu à… … Wikipédia en Français
General Purpose Computation on Graphics Processing Unit — (kurz GPGPU, vom Englischen für Allzweck Berechnung auf Grafikprozessoreinheit(en)) bezeichnet die Verwendung eines Grafikprozessors für Berechnungen über seinen ursprünglichen Aufgabenbereich hinaus. Dies können beispielsweise Berechnungen zu… … Deutsch Wikipedia
General Purpose Interface Bus — GPIB Controller als ISA Steckkarte für den PC Der IEC 625 Bus ist die internationale Normbezeichnung für einen externen parallelen Datenbus, der vorrangig zur Verbindung von Messgeräten und Peripheriegeräten wie Plottern und Druckern mit einem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
General purpose macro processor — A general purpose macro processor is a macro processor that is not tied to, or integrated with, a particular language or piece of software.In its simplest form, a macro processor is a program that copies a stream of text from one place to another … Wikipedia
General-Purpose Processing on Graphics Processing Units — GPGPU est l abréviation de General Purpose Processing on Graphics Processing Units, c est à dire calcul générique sur un processeur graphique afin de bénéficier de leur capacité de traitement massivement parallèle. Sommaire 1 GPGPU en modèle de… … Wikipédia en Français
General purpose interface (GPI) — A&V • A parallel interconnection scheme that allows remove control of certain functions of a device. One wire per function. • May also refer to any nonspecific interface between equipment. Usually refers to a serial connection (RS232 or RS422… … Audio and video glossary