запираемый триодный тиристор, запираемый тринистор
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
GCS — is a three letter acronym which has multiple meanings, including:*Game Creation System (such as Game Maker or MegaZeux). *Generalized Contentment Scale *Geographic coordinate system, used in cartography to define a location on the Earth s surface … Wikipedia
gcs — abbrev. gigacycles per second * * * … Universalium
GCS — (Glasgow Coma Scale) (Medicine) numerical scale used to assess the neurological response in patients with head injuries (based on evaluations of eye opening, verbal response, and motor response) … English contemporary dictionary
gcs — abbrev. gigacycles per second … English World dictionary
GCS — Die Abkürzung GCS steht für: Glasgow Coma Scale, eine Skala zur Abschätzung einer Bewusstseinsstörung Ground control station, siehe Bodenkontrollstation GNU Coding Standards Gauss Centre for Supercomputing, den Zusammenschluss der drei nationalen … Deutsch Wikipedia
GCS — Échelle de Glasgow L échelle de Glasgow, ou score de Glasgow (Glasgow coma scale, GCS), est un indicateur de l état de conscience. Dans un contexte d urgence, elle permet au médecin de choisir une stratégie dans l optique du maintien des… … Wikipédia en Français
GCS Cars — Traded initially from Orpington in Kent, UK and produced the Hawke (originally made by Burlington Cars as the Burlington SS). It is an open two seater modelled fairly closely, but differently enough, on the Morgan. It has a substabtial square box … Wikipedia
GCS Ballpark — Infobox Stadium stadium name = GCS Ballpark location = 2301 Grizzlie Bear Blvd. Sauget, IL 62206 opened = 2002 owner = GCS Federal Credit Union surface = Grass architect = Kuhlmann Design Group tenants = Gateway Grizzlies seating capacity = 6,000 … Wikipedia
GCS — ground control station … Military dictionary
GCS — Glasgow Coma Scale (Medical » Physiology) ** Glasgow Coma Score (Medical) * Geographic Coordinate System (Governmental » Military) * Ground Control Station (Governmental » Military) * Global Communications Solutions (Business » Firms) * Global… … Abbreviations dictionary
GCS — general clinical services; GianottiCrosti syndrome; Glasgow Coma Scale; global coordinate system * * * Glasgow Coma Scale … Medical dictionary