Gaussian system

Gaussian system
система (единиц) Гаусса, симметричная система СГС

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "Gaussian system" в других словарях:

  • Gaussian system of units — Gauso vienetų sistema statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. Gaussian system of units vok. Gaußsches Maßsystem, n rus. симметричная система СГС, f; система Гаусса, f pranc. système d’unités de Gauss, m; système d’unités symétrique, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Gaussian elimination — In linear algebra, Gaussian elimination is an algorithm for solving systems of linear equations. It can also be used to find the rank of a matrix, to calculate the determinant of a matrix, and to calculate the inverse of an invertible square… …   Wikipedia

  • Gaussian network model — The Gaussian network model (GNM), one of many things named after Carl Gauss, is a representation of a biological macromolecule as an elastic mass and spring network to study, understand, and characterize mechanical aspects of its long scale… …   Wikipedia

  • System of linear equations — In mathematics, a system of linear equations (or linear system) is a collection of linear equations involving the same set of variables. For example,:egin{alignat}{7}3x ; + ; 2y ; ; z ; = ; 1 2x ; ; 2y ; + ; 4z ; = ; 2 x ; + ; frac{1}{2} y ; ; z …   Wikipedia

  • Gaussian function — In mathematics, a Gaussian function (named after Carl Friedrich Gauss) is a function of the form::f(x) = a e^{ { (x b)^2 over 2 c^2 } }for some real constants a > 0, b , c > 0, and e ≈ 2.718281828 (Euler s number).The graph of a Gaussian is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Gaussian adaptation — Articleissues citations missing = July 2008 COI = y expert = Mathematics notability = July 2008 jargon = July 2008 OR = September 2007 primarysources = July 2008 technical = July 2008Gaussian adaptation (GA) is an evolutionary algorithm designed… …   Wikipedia

  • Gaussian integral — The Gaussian integral, or probability integral, is the improper integral of the Gaussian function e^ x}^2} over the entire real line. It is named after the German mathematician and physicist Carl Friedrich Gauss, and the equation is::int {… …   Wikipedia

  • Gaussian gravitational constant — Carl Friedrich Gauss expressed the gravitational constant in units of the solar system rather than SI units. The benefit is that the motion of the planets can be accurately described, without exact knowledge of the scale of the solar system or… …   Wikipedia

  • Gaussian year — A Gaussian year is defined as 365.2568983 days. It was adopted by Carl Friedrich Gauss as the length of the sidereal year in his studies of the dynamics of the solar system.A slightly different value is now accepted as the length of the sidereal… …   Wikipedia

  • Gaussian image — Optics. the point in an optical system with spherical aberration at which the paraxial rays meet. Also called Gaussian image point. * * * …   Universalium

  • Gaussian image — Optics. the point in an optical system with spherical aberration at which the paraxial rays meet. Also called Gaussian image point …   Useful english dictionary

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