gate way

gate way

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "gate way" в других словарях:

  • gate|way — «GAYT WAY», noun. 1. an opening in a wall or fence where a gate is: »Gateways between the fields were left open so that the horse got out. 2. a frame or arch in which a gate is hung: »The sculptures of these gateways form a perfect picture Bible… …   Useful english dictionary

  • gate·way — /ˈgeıtˌweı/ noun, pl ways [count] : an opening in a wall or fence that can be closed by a gate Mourners slowly passed though the gateway of the cemetery. often used figuratively Studying is the gateway to success. Make London your gateway to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • gate — Of the two English words gate, only one survives in general use. Gate ‘doorlike structure’ [OE] comes from a prehistoric Germanic *gatam, whose other descendants, including Dutch gat ‘hole, opening’, suggest that it originally denoted an ‘opening …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • gate — Of the two English words gate, only one survives in general use. Gate ‘doorlike structure’ [OE] comes from a prehistoric Germanic *gatam, whose other descendants, including Dutch gat ‘hole, opening’, suggest that it originally denoted an ‘opening …   Word origins

  • Gate — (g[=a]t), n. [OE. [yogh]et, [yogh]eat, giat, gate, door, AS. geat, gat, gate, door; akin to OS., D., & Icel. gat opening, hole, and perh. to E. gate a way, gait, and get, v. Cf. {Gate} a way, 3d {Get}.] 1. A large door or passageway in the wall… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gate chamber — Gate Gate (g[=a]t), n. [OE. [yogh]et, [yogh]eat, giat, gate, door, AS. geat, gat, gate, door; akin to OS., D., & Icel. gat opening, hole, and perh. to E. gate a way, gait, and get, v. Cf. {Gate} a way, 3d {Get}.] 1. A large door or passageway in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gate channel — Gate Gate (g[=a]t), n. [OE. [yogh]et, [yogh]eat, giat, gate, door, AS. geat, gat, gate, door; akin to OS., D., & Icel. gat opening, hole, and perh. to E. gate a way, gait, and get, v. Cf. {Gate} a way, 3d {Get}.] 1. A large door or passageway in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gate hook — Gate Gate (g[=a]t), n. [OE. [yogh]et, [yogh]eat, giat, gate, door, AS. geat, gat, gate, door; akin to OS., D., & Icel. gat opening, hole, and perh. to E. gate a way, gait, and get, v. Cf. {Gate} a way, 3d {Get}.] 1. A large door or passageway in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gate money — Gate Gate (g[=a]t), n. [OE. [yogh]et, [yogh]eat, giat, gate, door, AS. geat, gat, gate, door; akin to OS., D., & Icel. gat opening, hole, and perh. to E. gate a way, gait, and get, v. Cf. {Gate} a way, 3d {Get}.] 1. A large door or passageway in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gate tender — Gate Gate (g[=a]t), n. [OE. [yogh]et, [yogh]eat, giat, gate, door, AS. geat, gat, gate, door; akin to OS., D., & Icel. gat opening, hole, and perh. to E. gate a way, gait, and get, v. Cf. {Gate} a way, 3d {Get}.] 1. A large door or passageway in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gate valva — Gate Gate (g[=a]t), n. [OE. [yogh]et, [yogh]eat, giat, gate, door, AS. geat, gat, gate, door; akin to OS., D., & Icel. gat opening, hole, and perh. to E. gate a way, gait, and get, v. Cf. {Gate} a way, 3d {Get}.] 1. A large door or passageway in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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