gate signal

gate signal
селекторный стробирующий сигнал; отпирающий импульс, строб-импульс

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "gate signal" в других словарях:

  • Gate turn-off thyristor — For other uses of the word, see GTO (disambiguation). GTO thyristor symbol A gate turn off thyristor (GTO) is a special type of thyristor, a high power semiconductor device. GTOs, as opposed to normal thyristors, are fully controllable switches… …   Wikipedia

  • Signal integrity — or SI is a measure of the quality of an electrical signal. In digital electronics, a stream of binary values is represented by a voltage (or current) waveform. Over short distances and at low bit rates, a simple conductor can transmit this with… …   Wikipedia

  • Signal processing — is an area of systems engineering, electrical engineering and applied mathematics that deals with operations on or analysis of signals, in either discrete or continuous time. Signals of interest can include sound, images, time varying measurement …   Wikipedia

  • Signal Hill — Ciudad de los Estados Unidos Signal Hill …   Wikipedia Español

  • Gate 88 — Entwickler Queasy Games Erstveröffent lichung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Signal Hill (Californie) — Signal Hill le 1er Mai 1923 Signal Hill est une municipalité située dans le comté de Los Angeles, dans l état de Californie, aux États Unis. Au recensement de 2000 sa population était de 10 951 habitants. Géographie …   Wikipédia en Français

  • gate — gate1 /gayt/, n., v., gated, gating. n. 1. a movable barrier, usually on hinges, closing an opening in a fence, wall, or other enclosure. 2. an opening permitting passage through an enclosure. 3. a tower, architectural setting, etc., for… …   Universalium

  • gate — 1. To close an ion channel by electrical ( e.g., membrane potential) or chemical ( e.g., neurotransmitter) action. 2. Action of a special nerve fiber to block the …   Medical dictionary

  • Gate-Treiber — Als Gate Treiber (MOSFET Treiber, IGBT Treiber oder Halbbrücken Treiber) bezeichnet man in der Elektronik, speziell der Leistungselektronik, eine diskrete oder integrierte elektronische Schaltung, welche Leistungsschalter, wie beispielsweise… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gate control theory of pain — The gate control theory of pain, put forward by Ronald Melzack (a Canadian psychologist) and Patrick David Wall (a British physician) in 1962, [P.D. Wall, R. Melzack, On nature of cutaneous sensory mechanisms, Brain, 85:331, 1962.] and again in… …   Wikipedia

  • gate — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English geat; akin to Old Norse gat opening Date: before 12th century 1. an opening in a wall or fence 2. a city or castle entrance often with defensive structures (as towers) 3. a. the frame or door… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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