- gate runner
1) литник; питатель2) мн. ч. полозки фильмового канала
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
runner — [run′ər] n. [ME renner] 1. a person, animal, or thing that runs; specif., a) a racer ☆ b) Baseball BASE RUNNER ☆ c) Football a player running with the ball 2. a person who runs errands, carries messages, etc., as for a bank or brokerage house … English World dictionary
Gate River Run — The Gate River Run is an annual 15K road race in Jacksonville, Florida that attracts both competitive and recreational runners. It has been the US National Championship 15K since 1994 and in 2007 became the largest 15K race in the country. It was … Wikipedia
gate — Synonyms and related words: French door, aboideau, access, admissions, air lock, arch dam, archway, assemblage, attendance, audience, avails, back door, backstop, ball cock, ball valve, bamboo curtain, bank, bar, barrage, barrier, barway, bear… … Moby Thesaurus
runner — run•ner [[t]ˈrʌn ər[/t]] n. 1) a person, animal, or thing that runs, esp. as a racer 2) a messenger, esp. of a bank or brokerage house 3) spo baseball base runner 4) spo Football. the ball carrier 5) a smuggler 6) a vessel engaged in smuggling 7) … From formal English to slang
runner — Synonyms and related words: Hermes, Iris, Jehu, Mercury, Paul Revere, Pheidippides, Skimobile, Sno Cat, agent, appendage, arm, bine, blade, bough, branch, branchedness, branchiness, burgeon, carrier, commissionaire, conductor, contrabandist,… … Moby Thesaurus
gate pin — noun : a vertical runner used in founding to connect the pouring basin with the gates below … Useful english dictionary
runner stick — noun : gate pin … Useful english dictionary
Tannhauser Gate — Das Tannhäuser Tor ist ein fiktiver Ort, welcher erstmals 1982 im Film Blade Runner erwähnt und danach immer wieder in anderen Zusammenhängen verwendet wird. Im englischen Original lautet der Name Tannhauser Gate, welcher in der deutschen Fassung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tannhauser Gate — The Tannhäuser Gate is a fictitious location originally referred to in dialogue in the 1982 film Blade Runner , and again in the 1998 film Soldier, as well as in allusions in other places referring back to Blade Runner. Blade Runner In the 1982… … Wikipedia
Tannhauser gate — La Tannhauser Gate (porte de Tannhäuser) est un lieu fictif, dont il est fait mention dans le film Blade Runner (1982) réalisé par Ridley Scott. Il est également mentionné dans d autres travaux tels que le film Soldier (1998), le jeu vidéo… … Wikipédia en Français
Blade Runner — This article is about the 1982 film. For other uses, see Bladerunner. Blade Runner Original theatrical release poster by John Alvin … Wikipedia