- gate frame
1) закладные части гидротехнического затвора2) стойка гидротехнического затвора
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
gate|way — «GAYT WAY», noun. 1. an opening in a wall or fence where a gate is: »Gateways between the fields were left open so that the horse got out. 2. a frame or arch in which a gate is hung: »The sculptures of these gateways form a perfect picture Bible… … Useful english dictionary
gate — gate1 [gāt] n. [ME < OE gatu, pl. of geat, a gate, akin to OFris jet, Du & ON gat, opening] 1. a movable framework or solid structure, esp. one that swings on hinges, controlling entrance or exit through an opening in a fence or wall 2. an… … English World dictionary
gate — I. /geɪt / (say gayt) noun 1. a movable barrier, as a swinging frame, in a fence or wall, or across a passageway. 2. a. an opening for passage into an enclosure such as a walled city. b. the building erected at such a passageway. 3. a. an opening …
gate — gate1 /gayt/, n., v., gated, gating. n. 1. a movable barrier, usually on hinges, closing an opening in a fence, wall, or other enclosure. 2. an opening permitting passage through an enclosure. 3. a tower, architectural setting, etc., for… … Universalium
gate — Sash Sash, n. [F. ch[^a]ssis a frame, sash, fr. ch[^a]sse a shrine, reliquary, frame, L. capsa. See {Case} a box.] 1. The framing in which the panes of glass are set in a glazed window or door, including the narrow bars between the panes. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gate — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English geat; akin to Old Norse gat opening Date: before 12th century 1. an opening in a wall or fence 2. a city or castle entrance often with defensive structures (as towers) 3. a. the frame or door… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Gate Tower Building — The Gate Tower Building (Japanese ゲートタワービル ), it is the office building of the terrestrial 16 floor building which is the Osaka city Fukushima Ku. Alias “beehive (Bee Hive)” with, Bee Hive “the honeycomb”, in the sense, “bustling place”.ummaryAs… … Wikipedia
gate — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a barrier, usu. hinged, used to close an opening made for entrance and exit through a wall, fence, etc. 2 such an opening, esp. in the wall of a city, enclosure, or large building. 3 a means of entrance or exit. 4 a numbered place … Useful english dictionary
gate — gate1 noun 1》 a hinged barrier used to close an opening in a wall, fence, or hedge. ↘an exit from an airport building to an aircraft. ↘a hinged or sliding barrier for controlling the flow of water: a sluice gate. 2》 the number of people… … English new terms dictionary
gate — 1 /geIt/ noun (C) 1 a frame that you can open and close to get through a fence, wall etc at the entrance to a place: a garden gate | In front of him were the wrought iron gates of the palace. compare door (1) 2 the place where you leave an… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
gate leg — Furniture. a leg attached to a hinged frame that can be swung out to support a drop leaf. Cf. swing leg. [1900 05] * * * … Universalium