- gas-filled counter tube
счётная трубка; газоразрядный счётчик
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
gas-filled counter — dujinis skaitiklis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. gaseous counter; gas filled counter vok. gasgefüllter Zähler, m; Gaszählrohr, n rus. газонаполненный счётчик, m pranc. tube compteur à gaz interne, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
tube compteur à gaz interne — dujinis skaitiklis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. gaseous counter; gas filled counter vok. gasgefüllter Zähler, m; Gaszählrohr, n rus. газонаполненный счётчик, m pranc. tube compteur à gaz interne, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Geiger counter — an instrument for detecting ionizing radiations, consisting of a gas filled tube in which electric current pulses are produced when the gas is ionized by radiation, and of a device to register these pulses: used chiefly to measure radioactivity.… … Universalium
Geiger-Muller tube — noun an ionization chamber contained in a tube in a Geiger counter • Syn: ↑Geiger tube • Hypernyms: ↑ionization chamber, ↑ionization tube • Part Holonyms: ↑Geiger counter, ↑Geiger Muller counter * * … Useful english dictionary
Geiger Counter — Hans Wilhelm Geiger (1882 1945) introduced the first successful counter of individual alpha rays through an instrument known as the Geiger counter. Geiger was bom at Neustadt an der Hardt, Germany. His father was a prominent rabbi and one of… … Dictionary of eponyms
gaseous counter — dujinis skaitiklis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. gaseous counter; gas filled counter vok. gasgefüllter Zähler, m; Gaszählrohr, n rus. газонаполненный счётчик, m pranc. tube compteur à gaz interne, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Geiger-Müller tube — A Geiger Müller tube (or GM tube) is the sensing element of a Geiger counter instrument that can detect a single particle of ionizing radiation, and typically produce an audible click for each. It was named for Hans Geiger who invented the device … Wikipedia
Geiger counter — Infobox Laboratory equipment name = Geiger counter caption = A modern geiger counter acronym = other names = Geiger Müller counter uses = Particle detector inventor = Hans Geiger manufacturer = model = related = Geiger Müller tubeA Geiger counter … Wikipedia
Nixie tube — The ten digits of a GN 4 Nixie tube. A nixie tube is an electronic device for displaying numerals or other information. The glass tube contains a wire mesh anode and multiple cathodes. In most tubes, the cathodes are shaped like numerals.… … Wikipedia
Geiger counter — Gei·ger count·er gī gər .kau̇n tər n an instrument for detecting the presence and intensity of radiations (as cosmic rays or particles from a radioactive substance) by means of the ionizing effect on an enclosed gas which results in a pulse that… … Medical dictionary
Proportional counter — A device for measuring radioactivity. More technically, a proportional counter counts the emission of radioactive particles which permits the discrimination between particles or rays of different energies. * * * a gas filled radiation detection… … Medical dictionary