- gas torch
газовая сварочная горелка
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Gas tungsten arc welding — TIG welding of a bronze sculpture Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), also known as tungsten inert gas (TIG … Wikipedia
Gas metal arc welding — RMD redirects here. RMD may also refer to IRA Required Minimum Distributions. Gas metal arc welding … Wikipedia
Torch (juggling) — Torches are juggling props used in many toss juggling routines. Juggling torches are essentially a club or stick on which the far end is an attached wick. Wicks The two most common wicks used with juggling torches are: *Kevlar para aramid… … Wikipedia
Torch — Originally, a torch was a portable source of fire used as a source of light, usually a rod shaped piece of wood with a rag soaked in pitch and/or some other flammable material wrapped around one end. Torches were often supported in sconces by… … Wikipedia
torch — [1] The mechanism which the operator holds during gas welding and cutting, at the end of which the gases are burned to perform the various gas welding and cutting operations. [2] A British term for a flashlight. See blow torch cutting torch … Dictionary of automotive terms
Gas lighting — For other uses, see Gaslight (disambiguation). Gas lighting is production of artificial light from combustion of a gaseous fuel, including hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide, propane, butane, acetylene, ethylene, or natural gas. Before… … Wikipedia
Gas-discharge lamp — See also: Gas filled tube Germicidal lamps are simple low pressure mercury vapor discharges in a fused quartz envelope. Gas discharge lamps are a family of artificial light sources that generate light by sending an electrical discharge through an … Wikipedia
gas welding — noun : fusion welding in which the required heat is obtained from a gas flame * * * gas welding, any process of joining two metal parts by means of the heat of an oxyacetylene torch or similar device … Useful english dictionary
Blow torch — For other meanings, including oxy gas torches, see Blowtorch (disambiguation). An old fashioned kerosene blowtorch / blowlamp A blowtorch (US), blow torch (US), or blowlamp (UK) is a tool for applying lower intensity and more diffuse flame and… … Wikipedia
Water torch — can mean: * An oxyhydrogen torch whose gas supply is generated immediately by electrolysis of water. *The water plant Typha latifolia , because its stems when soaked in oil make good burning torches *Distinguish from: ** A diver s underwater… … Wikipedia
burning torch — noun : a gas torch with an intensely hot oxidizing flame that is used for cutting metal by burning … Useful english dictionary