gas reserves
Смотреть что такое "gas reserves" в других словарях:
Natural gas reserves in Iran — Iran Gas Fields Location Map … Wikipedia
Gas depletion — is the inescapable result of extracting and consuming natural gas since it is a nonrenewable natural resource. The number of years of natural gas left is estimated by the ratio of proven natural gas reserves to the current consumption rate.… … Wikipedia
gas — noun 1 substance like air ADJECTIVE ▪ deadly, noxious, poisonous, toxic ▪ explosive, flammable, inflammable (esp. BrE), radioactive … Collocations dictionary
reserves — /rɪ zɜ:vz/ plural noun 1. supplies kept in case of need ● Our reserves of fuel fell during the winter. ● The country’s reserves of gas or gas reserves are very large. 2. money from profits not paid as dividend, but kept back by a company in case… … Dictionary of banking and finance
gas — [[t]gæ̱s[/t]] ♦♦ gases, gasses, gassing, gassed (The form gases is the plural of the noun. The form gasses is the third person singular of the verb.) 1) N UNCOUNT Gas is a substance like air that is neither liquid nor solid and burns easily. It… … English dictionary
Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) — An organization of the world s leading gas producers that was established in 2001 to represent and promote their mutual interest. GECF members collectively hold more than 70% of the world s natural gas reserves. As of 2010, the GECF has 11… … Investment dictionary
Reserves — (gas, oil) are the amount of a subsurface resource in the Earth defined according to geological exploration data and during the development process. Reserves are measured in volume and mass units; natural gas – in cubic meters, oil – in tons, gas … Glossary of Oil and Gas
Reserves de petrole du Venezuela — Réserves de pétrole du Venezuela Sommaire 1 Les données du problème Polémique 2 La Ceinture de l Orénoque 3 Réserves réelles du Venezuela 4 Certification … Wikipédia en Français
Réserves de pétrole du Venezuela — Sommaire 1 Les données du problème Polémique 2 La Ceinture de l Orénoque 3 Réserves réelles du Venezuela 4 Certification … Wikipédia en Français
Réserves de pétrole du venezuela — Sommaire 1 Les données du problème Polémique 2 La Ceinture de l Orénoque 3 Réserves réelles du Venezuela 4 Certification … Wikipédia en Français
Réserves pétrolières — Réserve pétrolière ██████████ … Wikipédia en Français