- gas liquids plant
газобензиновая установка к глубоким извлечением пропана и выдачей сжиженных газов
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Plant or gas processing plant — A facility designated to achieve the recovery of natural gas liquids from the stream of natural gas, which may or may not have been processed through lease separators and field facilities, and to control the quality of the natural gas to be… … Energy terms
History of the petroleum industry in Canada (natural gas liquids) — Canada s natural gas liquids industry dates back to the discovery of wet natural gas at Turner Valley, Alberta in 1914. The gas was less important than the natural gasoline skunk gas it was called, because of its distinctive odour that early… … Wikipedia
Natural Gas Liquids - NGL — Components of natural gas that are separated from the gas state in the form of liquids. This separation occurs in a field facility or in a gas processing plant through absorption, condensation, adsorption or other method. Natural gas liquids as… … Investment dictionary
Natural Gas Liquids — (NGL) Those hydrocarbons in natural gas that are separated from the gas as liquids through the process of absorption, condensation, adsorption, cooling in gas separators, gas processing, or gas cycling plants. Generally, natural gas liquids… … Energy terms
Natural gas processing plant — Facilities designed to recover natural gas liquids from a stream of natural gas that may or may not have passed through lease separators and/or field separation facilities. These facilities control the quality of the natural gas to be marketed … Energy terms
Gas to liquids — (GTL) is a refinery process to convert natural gas or other gaseous hydrocarbons into longer chain hydrocarbons such as gasoline or diesel fuel. Methane rich gases are converted into liquid synthetic fuels either via direct conversion or via… … Wikipedia
Gas plant operator — Any firm, including a gas plant owner, which operates a gas plant and keeps the gas plant records. A gas plant is a facility in which natural gas liquids are separated from natural gas or in which natural gas liquids are fractionated or… … Energy terms
Plant condensate — One of the natural gas liquids, mostly pentanes and heavier hydrocarbons, recovered and separated as liquids at gas inlet separators or scrubbers in processing plants. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary … Energy terms
Plant liquids — Those volumes of natural gas liquids recovered in natural gas processing plants. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary … Energy terms
Plant products — Natural gas liquids recovered from natural gas processing plants (and in some cases from field facilities), including ethane, propane, butane, butane propane mixtures, natural gasoline, plant condensate, and lease condensate. U.S. Dept. of… … Energy terms
Gas flare — which results from the decomposition of materials in the dump.Recently, under the Kyoto Treaty, some developing countries garbage collecting companies have received carbon bonus for installing burning chimneys for the methane gas produced at… … Wikipedia