- anthracite culm
антрацитовый штыб, АШ
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Anthracite — (Greek Ανθρακίτης, literally a type of coal , from Anthrax [Άνθραξ] , coal) is a hard, compact variety of mineral coal that has a high lustre. It has the highest carbon count and contains the fewest impurities of all coals, despite its lower… … Wikipedia
Culm — Culm, n. [Perh. from W. cwlm knot or tie, applied to this species of coal, which is much found in balls or knots in some parts of Wales: cf. OE. culme smoke, soot.] (Min.) (a) Mineral coal that is not bituminous; anthracite, especially when found … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Culm — may refer to: Culm (plant), the stem of any type of plant Culm Measures, a geological formation of England River Culm, in Mid Devon, England the German name for Chełmno, Poland, also spelled Kulm a term used for fine grained waste from anthracite … Wikipedia
culm — ● culm ou kulm nom masculin (anglais culm, poussière d anthracite) Faciès schisto gréseux d origine pélagique, deltaïque, torrentielle ou lacustre à lits charbonneux, fréquent dans le carbonifère d Allemagne … Encyclopédie Universelle
culm — culm1 [kulm] n. [northern Brit dial. < ME colme, culme < ? OE col, COAL + ? suffix as in fæthm, FATHOM] 1. waste material from coal screenings or washings 2. fine pieces of anthracite coal culm2 [kulm] n. [L culmus, a … English World dictionary
culm — I [[t]kʌlm[/t]] n. 1) min coal dust; slack 2) min anthracite, esp. of inferior grade • Etymology: 1300–50; ME colme, prob. =col coal+ msuffix of uncert. meaning; cf. m in OEfæthmfathom, wæstmgrowth II culm [[t]kʌlm[/t]] n. 1) bot a stem or stalk … From formal English to slang
culm — culm1 /kulm/, n. 1. coal dust; slack. 2. anthracite, esp. of inferior grade. [1300 50; ME colme, prob. equiv. to col COAL + m suffix of uncert. meaning (cf. m in OE faethm fathom, waestm growth)] culm2 /kulm/, n. 1 … Universalium
culm — I. /kʌlm/ (say kulm) noun 1. coal dust; slack. 2. anthracite, especially of inferior grade. {variant of coom soot} II. /kʌlm/ (say kulm) noun 1. a stem or stalk, especially the jointed and usually hollow stem of grasses. –verb (i) 2. to grow or… …
Culm — Waste from Pennsylvania anthracite preparation plants, consisting of coarse rock fragments containing as much as 30 percent small sized coal; sometimes defined as including very fine coal particles called silt. Its heat value ranges from 8 to… … Energy terms
culm — n. 1. Stalk (of corn, grasses, etc.), stem. 2. Glance coal, blind coal, hard coal, anthracite (in small particles) … New dictionary of synonyms
culm — 1. n. 1 coal dust, esp. of anthracite. 2 Geol. strata under coal measures, esp. in SW England. Etymology: ME, prob. rel. to COAL 2. n. Bot. the stem of a plant, esp. of grasses. Derivatives: culmiferous adj. Etymology: L culmus stalk … Useful english dictionary