gas enrichment

gas enrichment
обогащение газа (лёгкими углеводородами)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "gas enrichment" в других словарях:

  • Enrichment — may mean: *Education. *The process of making enriched uranium, i.e. isotope separation. *The process of adding nutrients to cereals or grain (e.g. in enriched flour). *Environmental enrichment, the practice of providing animals under managed care …   Wikipedia

  • Gas separation — Gas mixtures can be effectively separated by synthetic membranes. For other methods see adsorption, absorption, cryogenic distillation. Membranes are employed in: * separation of hydrogen from gases like nitrogen and methane * recovery of… …   Wikipedia

  • Gas centrifuge — Diagram of a gas centrifuge. A gas centrifuge is a device that performs isotope separation of gases. A centrifuge relies on the principles of centripetal force accelerating molecules so that particles of different masses are physically separated… …   Wikipedia

  • United States Enrichment Corporation — Infobox Company company name = USEC Inc company company type = Public (nyse|USU) slogan = foundation = 1992 location = Bethesda, Maryland key people = John K. Welch, CEO Chairman num employees = 2,677 industry = Basic Materials products =… …   Wikipedia

  • National Enrichment Facility — The National Enrichment Facility (NEF) is a plant for the enrichment of uranium. The plant uses a gas centrifuge technology known as Zippe type centrifuges. It is located 5 miles east of Eunice, New Mexico.[1] The NEF is operated by Louisiana… …   Wikipedia

  • Free-Air Concentration Enrichment — Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment (FACE) is a method employed by ecologists and plant biologists that allows for an elevation of [CO2] in a specified area of forest or other biomass filled area. It has been used to study the response of tree… …   Wikipedia

  • Oil and gas law in the United States — is the branch of law that pertains to the acquisition and ownership rights in oil and gas both under the soil before discovery and after its capture, and adjudication regarding those rights. Drilling companies most often lease the rights to drill …   Wikipedia

  • Centrifugadora de gas — Cascada de centrifugadoras de gas en una planta de Estados Unidos. Una centrifugadora de gas es una hiper centrifugadora utilizada para producir uranio enriquecido. Para conseguir la misma separación, requiere mucha menos energía que el antiguo… …   Wikipedia Español

  • gaseous diffusion enrichment — noun (physics) The enrichment of uranium isotopes using gaseous uranium hexafluoride passing through a porous barrier • • • Main Entry: ↑gas …   Useful english dictionary

  • Advanced gas-cooled reactor — An advanced gas cooled reactor (AGR) is a type of nuclear reactor. These are the second generation of British gas cooled reactors, using graphite as the neutron moderator and carbon dioxide as coolant. The AGR was developed from the Magnox… …   Wikipedia

  • synthesis gas — noun : a gas used in synthesis; especially : a mixture composed essentially of hydrogen and carbon monoxide often in a ratio of 2 to 1, produced by various methods (as by the action of steam with or without oxygen on coal or lignite, by the… …   Useful english dictionary

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