
1) газ || выделять газ || газовый; газообразный
2) авто проф. сокр. от gasoline топливо; бензин
3) отравляющее вещество, ОВ || поражать ОВ
4) наполнять газом; насыщать газом; пищ. газировать
gas in place — запасы газа в коллекторе;
gas in-situ — газ в пластовых условиях;
to boost gas along to its destination — повышать давление газа для доставки его к месту назначения;
to sweeten gas — удалять из газа соединения серы;
to take off casing-head gas — отбирать нефтяной газ на устье скважины
absorbent gas
acid gas
active gas
actuation gas
aerogen gas
aggressive gas
air gas
air-free gas
alky gas
all-weather liquefied petroleum gas
ammonia gas
ammonia synthesis gas
anaerobic fuel gas
anode gas
artificial gas
associated gas
associated-dissolved gas
ballast gas
blast-furnace gas
blau gas
blue gas
bottled gas
bradenhead gas
burning gases
burnt gas
butane-enriched water gas
butane-propane gas
by-product gas
calibrating gas
cap gas
carbureted gas
carbureted hydrogen gas
carrier gas
casinghead gas
cathode gas
char gas
city gas
coal gas
coke oven gas
coke-cooling gas
combination gas
combustible gas
combustion gas
compressed gas
condensed gas
consumer gas
contaminant gas
conventional gas
converted gas
converter waste gas
coolant gas
corrosive gas
cryogenic gas
degenerate gas
desuperheat gas
dielectric gas
diluent gas
diluted gas
dissolved gas
diving gas
domestic gas
doping gas
dry gas
drying gas
dump gas
dust-laden gas
effluent gas
electrode gas
electronic gas
electron gas
electronegative gas
elementary gas
end gas
enriched gas
entrained gas
exhaust gas
explosion gas
extremely dry gas
fat gas
filtered flue gas
fire gas
fission gas
fixed gas
flare gas
flash gas
flue gas
fluidizing gas
fluorocarbon gas
foul gas
free gas
fuel gas
fume-laden gas
furnace gas
gas-lift gas
glass-forming gas
green gases
head-space gas
heating gas
helium-bearing natural gas
high btu gas
high gas
high-altitude LP gas
high-purity gas
household fuel gas
humid gas
hydrocarbon gases
ideal gas
illuminating gas
incoming gas
indifferent gas
industrial gas
inert gas
inflammable gas
injected gas
inleaking gas
intergalactic gas
interplanetary gas
interstellar gas
ionized gas
kerosine gas
kiln gases
landfill gas
lean gas
lift gas
lighting gas
liquefied natural gas
live gas
LN gas
low-boiling gas
low-energy coal-derived gas
low-thermal-value fuel gas
LP gas
makeup gas
manufactured gas
manure gas
marsh gas
medium-energy coal-derived gas
mine gas
mixed gas
mustard gas
naphtha gas
native gas
natural gas
noble gas
nonassociated natural gas
noncondensable gas
nonhydrocarbon gases
nonstripped petroleum gas
noxious gas
occluded gas
off gas
oil gas
oil samp gas
oil-water gas
oil-well gas
olefiant gas
onboard-stored gas
paraffin gas
peat gas
perfect gas
petroleum gas
pipeline gas
pollutant gases
poor gas
power gas
process gas
processed gas
producer gas
propulsive gas
protective gas
purge gas
radiating gas
radioactive gas
radioactive noble gases
rare gas
reaction gas
reactionless gas
reactivation gas
reactive gas
receiver gases
recoverable gas
recycled gas
recycle gas
reference gas
refinery gas
refrigerant gas
regeneration gas
relief gases
residual gas
residue gas
rich gas
rich petroleum gas
roaster gas
roast gas
rock gas
sales gas
separator gas
sewer gas
shocked gas
sludge gas
solute gas
solution gas
sour gas
span gas
spent gas
stabilizer gas
stack gas
steam run gas
stillage gas
still gas
stripped gas
suction gas
sweet gas
synthesis gas
synthetic natural gas
synthetic gas
tail gas
tank gas
tar gas
top gas
town gas
toxic gas
trace gases
trapped gas
trap gas
treated gas
trip gas
unassociated gas
underground storage gas
unstripped gas
vapor gases
washed gas
waste gas
water gas
wet gas
working gas
zero gas

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "gas" в других словарях:

  • Gas — (et) …   Kölsch Dialekt Lexikon

  • Gas — [ga:s], das; es, e: 1. a) unsichtbarer Stoff in der Form wie Luft: giftiges, brennbares, explosives Gas; einen Ballon mit Gas füllen; zu Gas werden; in der Flüssigkeit sind mehrere Gase aufgelöst. b) brennbares, zum Kochen und Heizen verwendetes… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • gas — s.m.inv. 1a. FO ogni sostanza che, a temperatura e pressione normale, è allo stato aeriforme, in contrapposizione ai solidi e ai liquidi, e non presenta forma e volume propri 1b. TS fis., chim. sostanza aeriforme che si trova al di sopra della… …   Dizionario italiano

  • Gas — (g[a^]s), n.; pl. {Gases} (g[a^]s [e^]z). [Invented by the chemist Van Helmont of Brussels, who died in 1644.] 1. An a[ e]riform fluid; a term used at first by chemists as synonymous with air, but since restricted to fluids supposed to be… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • gas — (Palabra inventada por el científico flamenco J. B. van Helmont en el siglo XVII, sobre el lat. chaos). 1. m. Fluido que tiende a expandirse indefinidamente y que se caracteriza por su pequeña densidad, como el aire. 2. Cada uno de los gases… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • gas — sustantivo masculino 1. (no contable) Área: química Estado de la materia cuyas moléculas están en desorden y pueden separarse indefinidamente por la escasa atracción que existe entre ellas: El agua se convierte en gas al evaporarse. 2. (no… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • gas — [gæs] noun gases PLURALFORM or gasses [countable, uncountable] a substance which is not solid or liquid at normal temperatures, and which usually cannot be seen: • Greenhouse gases are the direct result of pollution …   Financial and business terms

  • gas — [gas] n. pl. gases or gasses [gas′iz] [ModL, altered by Van Helmont (1577 1644), Belgian chemist (with g pronounced, as in Du, as a voiced fricative) < Gr chaos, air (see CHAOS), term used by Paracelsus] 1. the fluid form of a substance in… …   English World dictionary

  • Gas CS — Nombre (IUPAC) sistemático …   Wikipedia Español

  • Gas — Gas. Die Eigenthümlichkeit der Gase, welche elastische Flüssigkeiten, Luftarten sind, besteht in dem Bestreben der kleinsten Theilchen, sich möglichst weit von einander zu entfernen, daher üben sie auf ihre Umgebung einen allseitigen Druck aus u …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Gas — (g[a^]s), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Gassed} (g[a^]st); p. pr. & vb. n. {Gassing}.] 1. (Textiles) To singe, as in a gas flame, so as to remove loose fibers; as, to gas thread. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. To impregnate with gas; as, to gas lime with… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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