
1) зазор; просвет; промежуток; щель; интервал; разрыв
2) матем. лакуна
3) люфт
4) искровой промежуток
5) немагнитный зазор
6) связь пауза; перерыв (в работе), отсутствие сигнала
7) рлк мёртвая зона
8) минимум диаграммы направленности (антенны)
9) запрещённая (энергетическая) зона; ширина запрещенной (энергетической) зоны
gap between tanks — (противопожарный) разрыв между резервуарами (на нефтебазе)
air gap
annular gap
arc gap
armature gap
back gap
band gap
block gap
breaker point gap
buncher gap
bushing spark gap
catcher gap
chopping gap
closing gap
cloud gap
communication gap
contact gap
coordinating gap
crushing gap
cylinder gap
deion gap
differential gap
direct band gap
direct gap
discharge gap
distributed gap
electrochemical machining gap
electrochemical gap
electrode gap
energy gap
expansion gap
expulsion gap
external gap
file gap
fit-up gap
flashing gap
forbidden gap
front gap
gaseous gap
gas-filled spark gap
glow gap
graded band gap
grinding gap
head gap
horn gap
information gap
input gap
insulating gap
interaction gap
interblock gap
interelectrode gap
interface gap
interrecord gap
ion spark gap
isolating gap
joint gap
keying gap
lightning gap
magnet gap
magnetic-head gap
main gap
measuring spark gap
metallization gap
needle-point spark gap
needle spark gap
oil filled spark gap
optical band gap
outer gap
output gap
overvoltage gap
point spark gap
pole gap
pressurized spark gap
protective spark gap
protector gap
proximity gap
quenched spark gap
quenched gap
rail joint gap
rear gap
record gap
rod gap
roll gap
root gap
rotary gap
safety gap
shrink-off gap
spark gap
specific gap
sphere gap
starter gap
stator-to-rotor gap
surge gap
switching spark gap
technical gap
terminal gap
tile-to-tile gap
time gap
trigger gap
triggered spark gap
untriggered spark gap
vacuum gap
vertical interval gap
wedge gap
word gap
working interelectrode gap

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "gap" в других словарях:

  • gap — gap …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Gap — or The Gap may refer to:General* Gap (clothing retailer), a chain of retail clothing stores * Gap (ecology), a spacing between large trees in a forest * Gap (landform), a mountain pass, often carved by a river * Gap year, a prolonged period… …   Wikipedia

  • GAP — steht für: Gap (Hautes Alpes), eine Stadt in Ostfrankreich Gap Inc., eine US amerikanische Modekette Gap steht für: (gæp, engl. für „Aussparung, Lücke, Spalt, Leerstelle“) GAAP oder Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures, ein auch von der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • gap — W2S2 [gæp] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(a space)¦ 2¦(difference)¦ 3¦(something missing)¦ 4¦(in time)¦ 5¦(in a mountain)¦ 6 gap in the market ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1300 1400; : Old Norse; Origin: hole, deep narrow valley ] …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Gap — steht für: Gap (Hautes Alpes), eine Stadt in Ostfrankreich Gap (Pennsylvania), Vereinigte Staaten Gap Mills (West Virginia), Vereinigte Staaten Gap Springs Township (Polk County, Arkansas), Vereinigte Staaten Gap Township (Montgomery County,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • gap — [ gap ] n. m. • 1948; mot angl. « trou » ♦ Anglic. Décalage entre deux réalités. Gap technologique. ⇒ retard. Gap inflationniste. ⇒ 1. écart. ● gap nom masculin (anglais gap, abîme) Décalage profond, écart important entre des choses, des… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • gap — [ gæp ] noun count *** 1. ) a space or opening in the middle of something or between things: Fill in any gaps around windows and doors. gap between: Through the gaps between the trees I could see a river in the distance. gap in: We waited for a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • GAP 15 — рус. ГАП 15 Местонахождени …   Википедия

  • GAP — (аббревиатура): GAP (вычислительная математика) GAP (Generic Access Profile)  расширение DECT (стандарта беспроводных радиотелефонов) GAP  Game Audio Player GAP  Автомобильный код, к примеру округа в Германии Гармиш Партенкирхен… …   Википедия

  • Gap — (g[a^]p), n. [OE. gap; cf. Icel. gap an empty space, Sw. gap mouth, breach, abyss, Dan. gab mouth, opening, AS. geap expanse; as adj., wide, spacious. See {Gape}.] 1. An opening in anything made by breaking or parting; as, a gap in a fence; an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • GaP — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. {{{image}}}   Sigles d une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres …   Wikipédia en Français

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