- gaffer
1) мастер; бригадир2) главный осветитель, бригадир осветителей3) стеклодув
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Gaffer — or Gaffa may refer to: * Gaffer (boss), a British colloquial term for boss or old man * Gaffer (motion picture industry), the head of the electrical department * Gaffer tape, a type of adhesive tape * Gaffer, character in the Muppets * Gaffa… … Wikipedia
Gaffer — Gaf fer (g[a^]f f[ e]r), n. [Possibly contr. fr. godfather; but prob. fr. gramfer for grandfather. Cf. {Gammer}.] 1. An old fellow; an aged rustic. [1913 Webster] Go to each gaffer and each goody. Fawkes. [1913 Webster] Note: Gaffer was… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
GAFFER — (Goals And Footballs For East Africa Region) is a grassroots soccer organisation which aims to provide good quality community owned sporting infrastructure (equipment and training) to schools and villages in rural areas of East Africa. External… … Wikipedia
Gaffer — bezeichnet: umgangssprachlich einen Schaulustigen, siehe auch Katastrophentourismus beim Film einen Oberbeleuchter eine Art Klebeband Siehe auch: Wiktionary: Gaffer – Bedeutungserklärungen, Wortherkunft, Synonyme, Übersetzungen … Deutsch Wikipedia
gaffer — (n.) 1580s, elderly rustic, apparently a contraction of godfather (Cf. GAMMER (Cf. gammer)); originally old man, it was applied from 1841 to foremen and supervisors, which sense carried over 20c. to electrician in charge of lighting on a film set … Etymology dictionary
gaffer — ► NOUN Brit. 1) informal an old man. 2) informal a boss. 3) the chief electrician in a film or television production unit. ORIGIN probably a contraction of GODFATHER(Cf. ↑godfather) … English terms dictionary
gaffer — [gaf′ər] n. [altered < GODFATHER] 1. an old man, esp. one from the country: now usually humorous: cf. GAMMER 2. a master glass blower ☆ 3. chief electrician in charge of lighting on a TV or film set 4. Brit. a foreman of a group of workers … English World dictionary
gaffer — 1. gaffer [ gafe ] v. tr. <conjug. : 1> • 1694; de 1. gaffe ♦ Pêche Accrocher avec une gaffe. Gaffer un poisson. gaffer 2. gaffer [ gafe ] v. intr. <conjug. : 1> • 1883; de 2. gaffe ♦ Faire une gaffe, un impair (cf. Mettre les pieds… … Encyclopédie Universelle
gaffer — In modern times a British worker might say: ‘You’d better see the gaffer about that’, meaning that it is necessary to consult the boss. He might also, in a public house, ask where the gaffer is tonight, referring to the landlord. Such… … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
Gaffer — Pour une définition du mot « gaffer », voir l’article gaffer du Wiktionnaire. Gaffer (Gaffa) ruban adhésif Le gaffer e … Wikipédia en Français
Gaffer — ↑ Gafferin Beobachter, Beobachterin, Betrachter, Betrachterin, Neugieriger, Neugierige, Passant, Passantin, Umstehende, Zaungast, Zuschauer, Zuschauerin; (häufig abwertend): Schaulustige; (veraltet abwertend): Maulaffe. * * *… … Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme