- fusion cladding
плакирование наплавкой
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Nuclear fuel — Process … Wikipedia
Behavior of nuclear fuel during a reactor accident — This page is devoted to a discussion of how uranium dioxide nuclear fuel behaves during both normal nuclear reactor operation and under reactor accident conditions such as overheating. Work in this area is often very expensive to conduct, and so… … Wikipedia
Optical fiber — A bundle of optical fibers A TOSLINK fiber optic audio c … Wikipedia
Nuclear fuel cycle — The nuclear fuel cycle, also called nuclear fuel chain, is the progression of nuclear fuel through a series of differing stages. It consists of steps in the front end, which are the preparation of the fuel, steps in the service period in which… … Wikipedia
Magnox — Schematic diagram of a Magnox nuclear reactor showing gas flow. Note that the heat exchanger is outside the concrete radiation shielding. This represents an early Magnox design with a cylindrical, steel, pressure vessel. For other uses of the… … Wikipedia
Nuclear reprocessing — technology was developed to chemically separate and recover fissionable plutonium from irradiated nuclear fuel.[1] Reprocessing serves multiple purposes, whose relative importance has changed over time. Originally reprocessing was used solely to… … Wikipedia
Laser — For other uses, see Laser (disambiguation). United States Air Force laser experiment … Wikipedia
nuclear reactor — Physics. reactor (def. 4). Also called nuclear pile. [1940 45] * * * Device that can initiate and control a self sustaining series of nuclear fission reactions. Neutrons released in one fission reaction may strike other heavy nuclei, causing them … Universalium
Fiber-optic communication — An optical fiber junction box. The yellow cables are single mode fibers; the orange and blue cables are multi mode fibers: 50/125 µm OM2 and 50/125 µm OM3 fibers respectively. Fiber optic communication is a method of transmitting information from … Wikipedia
Lichtwellenleiter — Kunststoff Lichtwellenleiter LWL Patchkabel konfektionier … Deutsch Wikipedia
industrial glass — Introduction solid material that is normally lustrous and transparent in appearance and that shows great durability under exposure to the natural elements. These three properties lustre, transparency, and durability make glass a favoured… … Universalium