- functional redundancy
1) функциональная избыточность2) функциональное резервирование
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
functional redundancy — funkcinis rezervavimas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. functional redundancy vok. funktionelle Redundanz, f rus. функциональная избыточность, f pranc. redondance fonctionnelle, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
redundancy — • ‘She is lively and vital enough to be a member of a terrorist gang.’ ‘Lively and vital,’ said Harvey, ‘lively and vital one of these words is redundant.’ Muriel Spark, 1984. English idiom is characterized by redundancy, or apparent redundancy,… … Modern English usage
High Redundancy Actuation — (HRA) is a new approach to fault tolerant control in the area of mechanical actuation. Overview The basic idea is to use a lot of small actuation elements, so that a fault of one element has only a minor effect on the overall system. This way, a… … Wikipedia
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol — (VRRP) is a non proprietary redundancy protocol described in RFC 3768 designed to increase the availability of the default gateway servicing hosts on the same subnet. This increased reliability is achieved by advertising a virtual router (an… … Wikipedia
N+1 redundancy — is a form of resilience that ensures system availability in the event of component failure. Components (N) have at least one independent backup component (+1). The level of resilience is referred to as active/passive or standby as backup… … Wikipedia
FRC — • Functional Residü Capacity • Functional Redundancy Checking • Full Rate Channel • Flight Research Center, California NASA • Franca, Brazil internationale Flughafen Kennung … Acronyms
Epistasis — See Epistaxis for the condition known colloquially as a nosebleed. See Epitasis for the main action of a classical drama. See Epitaxy for the method of depositing a monocrystalline film on a monocrystalline substrate. See also: Quantitative Trait … Wikipedia
MyoD — Myogenic differentiation 1 PDB rendering based on 1mdy … Wikipedia
Plant evolutionary developmental biology — For a more ecological discussion on the evolution of plant morphology, refer to Evolutionary history of plants Evolutionary developmental biology (evo devo) refers to the study of developmental programs and patterns from an evolutionary… … Wikipedia
TAX1BP1 — Tax1 (human T cell leukemia virus type I) binding protein 1, also known as TAX1BP1, is a human gene.cite web | title = Entrez Gene: TAX1BP1 Tax1 (human T cell leukemia virus type I) binding protein 1| url =… … Wikipedia
Intel iAPX 432 — Infobox Computer Hardware Cpu name = Intel iAPX 432 caption = produced start = 1981 produced end = slowest = 5 |slow unit = MHz fastest = 8 |fast unit = MHz fsb slowest = | fsb slow unit = fsb fastest = | fsb fast unit = manuf1 = Intel arch =… … Wikipedia