- functional group
радикал, функциональная группа
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
functional group — n a characteristic reactive unit of a chemical compound * * * a part of a molecule that gives it characteristic chemical properties, e.g., an aldehyde, alcohol, amine, carboxylic acid, ester, ether, or ketone group … Medical dictionary
functional group — Functional Group Функциональная группа Cтруктурный фрагмент молекулы, характерный для данного класса органических соединений и определяющий его химические свойства. Примеры функциональных групп: азидная, гидроксильная, карбонильная,… … Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.
Functional group — For other uses, see Functional group (disambiguation) and Moiety (disambiguation). Benzyl acetate has an ester functional group (in red), an acetyl moiety (circled with green) and a benzyloxy moiety (circled with orange). Other divisions can be… … Wikipedia
functional group — a group of atoms responsible for the characteristic behavior of the class of compounds in which the group occurs, as the hydroxyl group in alcohols. [1935 40] * * * In molecules, any of numerous combinations of atoms that undergo characteristic… … Universalium
functional group — func′tional group n. chem. a group of atoms responsible for the characteristic behavior of the class of compounds in which the group occurs, as the hydroxyl group in alcohols • Etymology: 1935–40 … From formal English to slang
functional group — noun Chemistry a group of atoms responsible for the characteristic reactions of a particular compound … English new terms dictionary
Functional group (disambiguation) — The term Functional Groups may have several meanings:*Functional Groups in Organic Chemistry *Functional Groups in Ecology *The party of the Functional Groups also known as the Golkar … Wikipedia
functional group isomerism — a type of constitutional isomerism dependent upon the presence of different functional groups, such compounds being of distinct chemical types, e.g., ethyl alcohol, C2H5OH, and dimethyl ether, CH3OCH3 … Medical dictionary
functional group — noun Date: 1906 a characteristic reactive unit of a chemical compound especially in organic chemistry … New Collegiate Dictionary
functional group — noun a) A specific grouping of elements that is characteristic of a class of compounds, and determines some properties and reactions of that class. b) A collection of organisms of specific morphological, physiological … Wiktionary
functional group — noun : function I 9 … Useful english dictionary