function(al) density

function(al) density
функциональная плотность

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "function(al) density" в других словарях:

  • Density (disambiguation) — Density and dense usually refer to a measure of how much of some entity is within a fixed amount of space. Types of density include: In physics, density of mass: Density, mass per volume Area density or surface density, mass over a (two… …   Wikipedia

  • density — /den si tee/, n., pl. densities. 1. the state or quality of being dense; compactness; closely set or crowded condition. 2. stupidity; slow wittedness; obtuseness. 3. the number of inhabitants, dwellings, or the like, per unit area: The… …   Universalium

  • Density 21.5 — is a piece of music for solo flute written by Edgard Varèse in 1936 and revised in 1946. The piece was composed at the request of Georges Barrère for the premiere of his platinum flute, the density of platinum being close to 21.5 grammes per… …   Wikipedia

  • Density of states — Condensed matter physics Phases · Phase tr …   Wikipedia

  • Density matrix — Mixed state redirects here. For the psychiatric condition, see Mixed state (psychiatry). In quantum mechanics, a density matrix is a self adjoint (or Hermitian) positive semidefinite matrix (possibly infinite dimensional) of trace one, that… …   Wikipedia

  • Density estimation — In probability and statistics, density estimation is the construction of an estimate, based on observed data, of an unobservable underlying probability density function. The unobservable density function is thought of as the density according to… …   Wikipedia

  • Density — This article is about mass density. For other uses, see Density (disambiguation). The mass density or density of a material is defined as its mass per unit volume. The symbol most often used for density is ρ (the Greek letter rho). In some cases… …   Wikipedia

  • Density functional theory — Electronic structure methods Tight binding Nearly free electron model Hartree–Fock method Modern valence bond Generalized valence bond Møller–Plesset perturbation theory …   Wikipedia

  • function — /fungk sheuhn/, n. 1. the kind of action or activity proper to a person, thing, or institution; the purpose for which something is designed or exists; role. 2. any ceremonious public or social gathering or occasion. 3. a factor related to or… …   Universalium

  • Density of air — The density of air, ρ (Greek: rho) (air density), is the mass per unit volume of Earth s atmosphere, and is a useful value in aeronautics and other sciences. Air density decreases with increasing altitude, as does air pressure. It also changes… …   Wikipedia

  • Density on a manifold — In mathematics, and specifically differential geometry, a density is a spatially varying quantity on a differentiable manifold which can be integrated in an intrinsic manner. Abstractly, a density is a section of a certain trivial line bundle,… …   Wikipedia

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