- fuel jet
топливный жиклёр
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Jet fuel — An Airbus A310 being fueled at Prague Airport Jet fuel is a type of aviation fuel designed for use in aircraft powered by gas turbine engines. It is clear to straw colored in appearance. The most commonly used fuels for commercial aviation are… … Wikipedia
jet fuel — reaktyviniai degalai statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Naftos distiliavimo produktai, naudojami reaktyvinėms sistemoms. atitikmenys: angl. jet fuel; jet propellant; jet aircraft fuel; jet engine fuel; jet propulsion fuel rus. реактивное… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
jet-aircraft fuel — reaktyviniai degalai statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Naftos distiliavimo produktai, naudojami reaktyvinėms sistemoms. atitikmenys: angl. jet fuel; jet propellant; jet aircraft fuel; jet engine fuel; jet propulsion fuel rus. реактивное… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
jet-engine fuel — reaktyviniai degalai statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Naftos distiliavimo produktai, naudojami reaktyvinėms sistemoms. atitikmenys: angl. jet fuel; jet propellant; jet aircraft fuel; jet engine fuel; jet propulsion fuel rus. реактивное… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
jet-propulsion fuel — reaktyviniai degalai statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Naftos distiliavimo produktai, naudojami reaktyvinėms sistemoms. atitikmenys: angl. jet fuel; jet propellant; jet aircraft fuel; jet engine fuel; jet propulsion fuel rus. реактивное… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
jet propellant — reaktyviniai degalai statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Naftos distiliavimo produktai, naudojami reaktyvinėms sistemoms. atitikmenys: angl. jet fuel; jet propellant; jet aircraft fuel; jet engine fuel; jet propulsion fuel rus. реактивное… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Fuel calculation — Die Artikel Treibstoffberechnung, Dry Operating Weight, Operating Weight, Take Off Weight und Landing Weight überschneiden sich thematisch. Hilf mit, die Artikel besser voneinander abzugrenzen oder zu vereinigen. Beteilige dich dazu an der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
fuel — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Combustible material Nouns 1. fuel, firing, combustible; inflammable, burnable; ignite; fossil fuel; solar, nuclear, etc. energy. See heat, power. 2. peat, turf; [bituminous, soft, anthracite, hard,… … English dictionary for students
Fuel hedging — is a contractual tool used by some airlines to stabilize jet fuel costs. A fuel hedge contract commits an airline to paying a pre determined price for future jet fuel purchases. Airlines enter into such contracts as a bet that future jet fuel… … Wikipedia
Fuel System Icing Inhibitor — (FSII) is an additive to aviation fuels that prevents the formation of ice in fuel lines. FSII is sometimes referred to by the registered, genericized trademark Prist®. Jet fuel can contain a small amount of dissolved water that does not appear… … Wikipedia
Jet stream — Jet streams are fast flowing, relatively narrow air currents found at the tropopause, the transition between the troposphere (where temperature decreases with height) and the stratosphere (where temperature increases with height), [United States… … Wikipedia