fuel backup pump
Смотреть что такое "fuel backup pump" в других словарях:
Fuel tank — A fuel tank is safe container for flammable liquids and typically part of an engine system in which the fuel is stored and propelled (fuel pump) or released (pressurized gas) into an engine. Fuel tanks range in size and complexity from the small… … Wikipedia
Fuel oil — An oil tanker taking on bunker fuel. Fuel oil is a fraction obtained from petroleum distillation, either as a distillate or a residue. Broadly speaking, fuel oil is any liquid petroleum product that is burned in a furnace or boiler for the… … Wikipedia
Backup fuel — In a central heat pump system, the fuel used in the furnace that takes over the space heating when the outdoor temperature drops below that which is feasible to operate a heat pump. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s… … Energy terms
Condensate pump — A condensate pump is a specific type of pump used to pump the condensate (water) produced in an HVAC (heating or cooling), refrigeration, condensing boiler furnace or steam system. They may be used to pump the condensate produced from latent… … Wikipedia
Bilge pump — A bilge pump is a pump to remove bilge water.Because fuel can end up in the bilge, electric bilge pumps are designed not to cause sparks. Electric bilge pumps are often fitted with float switches which turn on the pump when the bilge fills to a… … Wikipedia
hand pump — A device in a hydraulic system used to manually build up hydraulic pressure as a backup in case of hydraulic pump failure. In some earlier aircraft, the hand pump was also used to transfer fuel from one tank to another in case of electrical or… … Aviation dictionary
топливный насос низкого давления — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN fuel backup pump … Справочник технического переводчика
Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster — The Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs) are the pair of large solid rockets used by the Space Shuttle during the first two minutes of powered flight. They are located on either side of the orange external propellant tank. Each SRB produces … Wikipedia
Water heating — is a thermodynamic process using an energy source to heat water above its initial temperature. Typical domestic uses of hot water are for cooking, cleaning, bathing, and space heating. In industry, both hot water and water heated to steam have… … Wikipedia
VVER — The VVER (From (Russian: Водо водяной энергетический реактор , transliterates as Vodo Vodyanoi Energetichesky Reactor , translates as Water Water Energetic Reactor , WWER. Water water stands for coolant and moderator.) is a series of pressurised… … Wikipedia
Diesel engine — Diesel engines in a museum Diesel generator on an oil tanker … Wikipedia