- fricative sound
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Sound change — includes any processes of language change that affect pronunciation (phonetic change) or sound system structures (phonological change). Sound change can consist of the replacement of one speech sound (or, more generally, one phonetic feature) by… … Wikipedia
Fricative — Fric a*tive, a. [See {Frication}.] (Phon.) Produced by the friction or rustling of the breath, intonated or unintonated, through a narrow opening between two of the mouth organs; uttered through a close approach, but not with a complete closure,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fricative — UK [ˈfrɪkətɪv] / US noun [countable] Word forms fricative : singular fricative plural fricatives linguistics a speech sound that is made by pushing air out through a small space between your teeth and your tongue or lips, or between your tongue… … English dictionary
fricative — /frik euh tiv/, Phonet. adj. 1. (of a speech sound) characterized by audible friction produced by forcing the breath through a constricted or partially obstructed passage in the vocal tract; spirantal; spirant. n. 2. Also called spirant. a… … Universalium
fricative — fric•a•tive [[t]ˈfrɪk ə tɪv[/t]] n. 1) phn a consonant sound, as (th), (v), or (h), characterized by audible friction produced by forcing the breath through a constricted or partially obstructed passage in the vocal tract 2) phn of or pertaining… … From formal English to slang
fricative — Speech sound made by forcing the air stream through a narrow orifice, created by apposition of the teeth, tongue, and lips in producing consonant phonemes such as f, v, s, and z. * * * fric·a·tive (frikґə tiv) a speech sound produced by… … Medical dictionary
fricative — fric·a·tive || frɪkÉ™tɪv n. consonant whose sound is made by forcing air through a narrow space (Phonetics) adj. (Phonetics) made by forcing air through a narrow space (about a speech sound) … English contemporary dictionary
fricative — fric|a|tive [ˈfrıkətıv] n technical [Date: 1800 1900; : Modern Latin; Origin: fricativus, from Latin fricare; FRICTION] a sound, such as /f/ or /z/, made by forcing your breath through a narrow opening between your lips and teeth, or your tongue… … Dictionary of contemporary English
fricative — fric|a|tive [ frıkətıv ] noun count LINGUISTICS a speech sound that is made by pushing air out through a small space with your mouth almost closed. F, z, and th are fricatives. ╾ fric|a|tive adjective … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
fricative — noun (C) a sound, such as, or /z/, made by forcing your breath through a narrow opening between your lips, or between your tongue and your lips or teeth … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
fricative — a.,n. (sound) made by friction of breath forced through narrow passage, as s, f … Dictionary of difficult words