
1) частота
2) повторяемость; частота повторения; периодичность
absolute cumulative frequency
absolute frequency
acoustic frequency
actual frequency
adjacent frequency
adjustment frequency
air distress frequency
- air-ground radio frequency -
alias frequency
allocated frequency
alternate frequency
angular frequency
antiresonance frequency
assigned frequency
audio frequency
authorized frequency
base cutoff frequency
base frequency
basic frequency
basic repetition frequency
beat frequency
bending frequency
bias frequency
boundary frequency
break frequency
broadcast frequency
burst frequency
calibrating frequency
call-back frequency
calling frequency
carrier frequency
catenary frequency
center frequency
channel frequency
characteristic frequency
chopping frequency
chroma subcarrier frequency
circular frequency
clock frequency
collision frequency
color subcarrier frequency
color-frame frequency
color-fusion frequency
color-picture frequency
combination frequencys
commercial frequency
complex frequency
component frequency
corner frequency
count frequency
critical frequency
crossover frequency
crystal frequency
culprit frequency
cutoff frequency
cyclic frequency
cyclotron frequency
damped frequency
damped natural frequency
damped vibration frequency
day frequency
dedicated frequency
departure frequency
difference frequency
discharge oscillatory frequency
dispersion frequency
distress frequency
dominant frequency
Doppler-beat frequency
Doppler frequency
downlink frequency
driving frequency
en-route frequency
erase frequency
excitation frequency
extinction frequency
extremely high frequency
extremely low frequency
ferromagnetic-resonance frequency
field-repetition frequency
field frequency
fixed frequency
flicker frequency
flood frequency
flow frequency
folding frequency
forcing frequency
frame-repetition frequency
frame frequency
free-running frequency
free frequency
frequency of discharges
frequency of irrigation
frequency of maximum admittance
frequency of maximum impedance
frequency of maximum transmission
frequency of operation
frequency of recalibration
fundamental frequency
fusion frequency
gear-meshing frequency
gliding frequency
graded-base cutoff frequency
harmonic frequency
high frequency
highest probable frequency
horizontal frequency
horizontal-repetition frequency
horizontal-sweep frequency
idler frequency
image frequency
impulse frequency
infralow frequency
infrasonic frequency
input frequency
instantaneous frequency
intended frequency
intercarrier frequency
intermediate frequency
ionization frequency
jammed frequency
jitter frequency
jump frequency
knee frequency
laser radiation frequency
limiting frequency
line frequency
line-locked frequency
line-scanning frequency
load resonance frequency
load resultant frequency
locking frequency
loop unity gain frequency
low frequency
lower cutoff frequency
lowest observed frequency
lowest usable frequency
lubrication frequency
main resonance frequency
mains frequency
master clock frequency
master frequency
maximum observed frequency
maximum usable frequency
microwave frequency
midband frequency
mode frequency
modulation frequency
multiple frequency
mutation frequency
natural frequency
notch frequency
note frequency
Nyquist frequency
off frequency
offset frequency
operating frequency
oscillating frequency
output frequency
parallel resonance frequency
penetration frequency
picture frequency
picture-carrier frequency
pilot frequency
plasma frequency
power-line frequency
power frequency
preset frequency
projection frequency
pull-in frequency
pull-out frequency
pulse-repetition frequency
pumping frequency
pump frequency
pushing frequency
quasi-resonance frequency
quenched frequency
quench frequency
quiescent frequency
radian frequency
radio frequency
ramp frequency
rated frequency
recombination frequency
reference frequency
repetition frequency
resonance frequency
resonator frequency
rest frequency
ring frequency
ringing frequency
ripple frequency
rotational frequency
rotation frequency
sampling frequency
scanning frequency
scan frequency
scanning-line frequency
scan-line frequency
secondary frequency
self-neutralization frequency
series resonance frequency
side frequency
signal frequency
sliding frequency
slip frequency
slot ripple frequency
sonic frequency
sound carrier frequency
sound frequency
source frequency
space frequency
specified frequency
spot frequency
standard frequency
steady-state frequency
stream frequency
subcarrier frequency
subharmonic frequency
subNyquist frequency
subsonic frequency
subsynchronous frequency
subtelephone frequency
superhigh frequency
super-Nyquist frequency
super-telephone frequency
supply frequency
sweep frequency
switching frequency
synchronizing frequency
synchronous frequency
system frequency
test frequency
threshold frequency
timing frequency
torsional frequency
transition frequency
troublesome resonant frequency
turnover frequency
ultrahigh frequency
ultralow frequency
ultrasonic frequency
unassigned frequency
undamped frequency
unused frequency
unwanted frequency
usage frequency
vertical frequency
vertical-repetition frequency
vertical-sweep frequency
very high frequency
very low frequency
vibrational frequency
vibration frequency
video frequency
vision frequency
visual frequency
visual-fusion frequency
voice frequency
waveguide cutoff frequency
window frequency
wobble frequency

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "frequency" в других словарях:

  • frequency — UK US /ˈfriːkwənsi/ noun [C or U] ► the number of times something happens within a particular period, or the fact of something happening often or a large number of times: »Once a week is a good frequency to back up all the data. the frequency of… …   Financial and business terms

  • Frequency — Título Desafío al tiempo (Hispanoamérica) Frequency (España) Ficha técnica Dirección Gregory Hoblit Producción Gregor …   Wikipedia Español

  • frequency — of vibration is the number of periods occurring in unit time. excitation frequency exciting frequency natural frequency resonant frequency …   Mechanics glossary

  • Frequency — Fre quen*cy, n.; pl. {Frequencies}. [L. frequentia numerous attendance, multitude: cf. F. fr[ e]quence. See {Frequent}.] 1. The condition of returning frequently; occurrence often repeated; common occurence; as, the frequency of crimes; the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Frequency — (engl. für Frequenz) bezeichnet ein Musikfestival in Österreich, siehe Frequency (Musikfestival) einen Science Fiction Film aus dem Jahr 2000, siehe Frequency (Film) eine schwedische Metal Band Diese …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Frequency — Éditeur SCE Développeur Harmonix Date de sortie 20 novembre 2001 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • frequency — 1640s, fact of occurring often, from L. frequentia a crowding, crowd, from frequentem (see FREQUENT (Cf. frequent)). Earlier it had been used in a now obsolete sense of state of being crowded (mid 16c.); sense in physics, rate of recurrence,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • frequency — [frē′kwənsfrē′kwən sē] n. pl. frequencies [ME < Fr < L frequentia < frequens: see FREQUENT] 1. Obs. a) the condition of being crowded b) a crowd 2. the fact of occurring often or repeatedly; frequent occurrence 3 …   English World dictionary

  • frequency — frequency. См. частота мутаций. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • frequency — frequency. См. частота рекомбинаций. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • frequency — noun common occurrence, commonness, continuity, crebritas, cycle, frequence, frequentia, periodicity, prevalence, rate, recurrence, regularity, regularity of recurrence, repetition, repetitiveness, succession, usualness Burton s Legal Thesaurus.… …   Law dictionary

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