- freeze-up
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Freeze — may refer to:In liquids turning to solids: *Freezing, the physical process of a liquid turning into a solid *Freeze drying, a method of rapidly removing moisture from food productsIn cessation of movement or change: *Freeze (breakdance move), the … Wikipedia
freeze — (frēz) v. froze (frōz), fro·zen (frō’zən), freez·ing, freez·es v. intr. 1. a) To pass from the liquid to the solid state by loss of heat. b) To acquire a surface or coat of ice from cold: »The lak … Word Histories
freeze — vt froze, fro·zen, freez·ing 1: to cause to become fixed, immovable, unavailable, or unalterable freeze interest rates 2: to immobilize (as by government regulation or the action of a financial institution) the expenditure, withdrawal, or… … Law dictionary
freeze — freeze; freeze·me·ter; freeze·proof; re·freeze; un·freeze; an·ti·freeze; … English syllables
freeze — [frēz] vi. froze, frozen, freezing [ME fresen < OE freosan, akin to OHG friosan (Ger frieren) < IE base * preus , to freeze, burn like cold > L pruina, hoarfrost, pruna, glowing coals] 1. to be formed into ice; be hardened or solidified… … English World dictionary
Freeze — Freeze, v. t. 1. To congeal; to harden into ice; to convert from a fluid to a solid form by cold, or abstraction of heat. [1913 Webster] 2. To cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heat; to give the sensation of cold to; to chill.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Freeze — steht für: eine 1988 von den Young British Artists organisierte Kunstausstellung in den Londoner Docklands, siehe Freeze (Ausstellung) ein Motiv beim Breakdance ein Zeitpunkt in einem Projekt, an dem bestimmte Beschlüsse verbindlich geworden sind … Deutsch Wikipedia
freeze — O.E. freosan turn to ice (class II strong verb; past tense freas, pp. froren), from P.Gmc. *freusanan (Cf. O.N. frjosa, O.H.G. friosan, Ger. frieren to freeze, Goth. frius frost ), from P.Gmc. *freus , equivalent to PIE root *preus … Etymology dictionary
Freeze — Freeze, v. i. [imp. {Froze} (fr[=o]z); p. p. {Frozen} (fr[=o] z n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Freezing}.] [OE. fresen, freosen, AS. fre[ o]san; akin to D. vriezen, OHG. iosan, G. frieren, Icel. frjsa, Sw. frysa, Dan. fryse, Goth. frius cold, frost, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Freeze — [ fri:z], das; [engl. freeze, zu: to freeze = (ein)frieren, verw. mit ahd. friosan, ↑frieren]: das Einfrieren aller atomaren Rüstung … Universal-Lexikon
Freeze — (fr[=e]z), n. (Arch.) A frieze. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English