- free blowing
свободное выдувание, выдувание без формы
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
free — [frē] adj. freer, freest [ME fre < OE freo, not in bondage, noble, glad, illustrious, akin to Ger frei, Du vrij < IE base * prei , to be fond of, hold dear > FRIEND, Sans priyá , dear, desired] 1. a) not under the control of some other… … English World dictionary
Free Sample Zone — est un faux netlabel créé par Chenard Walcker en janvier 2005, pour prendre position contre la loi du copyright. Sommaire 1 Free Sample movement 2 Histoire 3 Catalogue 3.1 … Wikipédia en Français
free — I. adjective (freer; freest) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English frēo; akin to Old High German frī free, Welsh rhydd, Sanskrit priya own, dear Date: before 12th century 1. a. having the legal and political rights of a citizen b. enjoying… … New Collegiate Dictionary
free — [[t]fri[/t]] adj. fre•er, fre•est, 1) gov enjoying personal rights or liberty, as one who is not in slavery or confinement 2) gov pertaining to or reserved for those who enjoy personal liberty: living on free soil[/ex] 3) gov existing under,… … From formal English to slang
free — /fri / (say free) adjective (freer, freest) 1. enjoying personal rights or liberty, as one not in slavery. 2. relating to or reserved for those who enjoy personal liberty. 3. Australian History a. relating to a convict who had been released or… …
free — adjective (freer, freest) 1》 not under the control or in the power of another. ↘subject neither to foreign domination nor despotic government: a free press. ↘permitted to take a specified action. 2》 not or no longer confined, obstructed,… … English new terms dictionary
Alpen Acres Motel - Blowing Rock — (Blowing Rock,США) Категория отеля: 2 звездочный отель Адрес: 318 O … Каталог отелей
drumming and blowing — (guchui, chuida) Traditional ensemble music ‘Drumming and blowing’ (guchui) is the most common Chinese term for this genre of ensemble music, though in some regions it is also called ‘blowing and hitting’ (chuida). Although stringed instruments,… … Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture
Glassblowing — Glassblower Jean Pierre Canlis (right) … Wikipedia
Roman glass — objects have been recovered across the Roman Empire in domestic, industrial and funerary contexts. Glass was used primarily for the production of vessels, although mosaic tiles and window glass were also produced. Roman glass production developed … Wikipedia
Augustus Pablo — jouant du mélodica. Nom Horace Swaby Naissance 21 juin 1954 Saint Andrew … Wikipédia en Français