Смотреть что такое "frameshift" в других словарях:
frameshift — frame shift, a. (Genetics) of, pertaining to, or causing a type of mutation consisting of the insertion or deletion of one or more nucleotides in the nucleic acid structure of a gene, when the number of base pairs inserted or deleted is not a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
frameshift — As used in genetics : a mutation that causes a sequence such that the reading frame groups of three bases in mRNA become out of register; the insertion or deletion of one or two bases, for example, would lead to an altered grouping of three bases … Medical dictionary
frameshift — ˈ ̷ ̷ ˌ ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: frame (II) + shift (II) : relating to, being, or causing a mutation in which a number of nucleotides not divisible by three is inserted or deleted so that some triplet codons are read incorrectly during genetic… … Useful english dictionary
Frameshift — A directed change in translational reading frames that allows the production of a single protein from two or more overlapping genes. The process is programmed by the nucleotide sequence of the mRNA and is sometimes also affected by the secondary… … Wikipedia
Frameshift — Ein Frameshift oder Rasterschub beziehungsweise Leserasterverschiebung ist eine besondere Art der Mutation. Es handelt sich um eine Verschiebung des Leserasters von Genen auf der DNA. Die genetische Information auf der DNA ist in Form von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
frameshift — adjective Date: 1967 relating to, being, or causing a mutation in which a number of nucleotides not divisible by three is inserted or deleted so as to change the reading frame of some triplet codons during genetic translation • frameshift noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
frameshift — noun frameshift mutation … Wiktionary
Frameshift (band) — Frameshift is a progressive rock/metal band led by Henning Pauly. The first album, Unweaving the Rainbow is a concept album based on the work of Richard Dawkins, a scientist and writer, and features Dream Theater vocalist James LaBrie. The second … Wikipedia
Frameshift (Band) — Frameshift Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Progressive Rock Gründung 2002 Website frameshift.prog … Deutsch Wikipedia
frameshift mutation — frameshift mutation. См. мутация со сдвигом фазы. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
frameshift mutation — [frām′shift΄] n. a mutation of a gene caused by the addition or deletion of any number of nucleotides other than three or multiples of three in a DNA sequence: messenger RNA derived from such DNA will carry faulty instructions for the synthesis… … Universalium