- frame-like structure
рбт фреймоподобная структура
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
frame — 1 /freIm/ noun 1 BORDER (C) a firm structure that holds something such as a picture or window, and provides a border for it: Stretch the embroidery on a frame before starting to sew. | door/window/picture frame: He leaned against the door frame.… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
frame — noun 1》 a rigid structure surrounding a picture, door, etc. ↘(frames) a metal or plastic structure holding the lenses of a pair of glasses. ↘the rigid supporting structure of a vehicle, aircraft, or other object. ↘a box like structure … English new terms dictionary
Frame language — is a metalanguage. It applies the frame concept to the structuring of language properties. Frame languages are usually software languages. Frame languages are rather focused on the recognition and description of objects and classes , and… … Wikipedia
Frame of reference — A frame of reference in physics, may refer to a coordinate system or set of axes within which to measure the position, orientation, and other properties of objects in it, or it may refer to an observational reference frame tied to the state of… … Wikipedia
frame — framable, frameable, adj. framableness, frameableness, n. frameless, adj. framer, n. /fraym/, n., v., framed, framing. n. 1. a border or case for enclosing a picture, mirror, etc. 2. a rigid structure formed of relatively slender pieces, j … Universalium
Structure relocation — Hydraulically powered dollies move an historic 19th century church in Salem, Massachusetts. A structure relocation is the process of moving a structure from one location to another. There are two main ways for a structure to be moved:… … Wikipedia
frame — [[t]freɪm[/t]] n. v. framed, fram•ing 1) a border or case for enclosing a picture, mirror, etc 2) bui civ a rigid structure formed of joined pieces and used as a major support, as in buildings, machinery, and furniture 3) anat. a body, esp. a… … From formal English to slang
Frame relay — In the context of computer networking, frame relay consists of an efficient data transmission technique used to send digital information. It is a message forwarding relay race like system in which data packets, called frames, are passed from one… … Wikipedia
buccal frame — structure of brachyuran decapods enclosing mouth parts, its sides formed by free anterolateral edges of carapace, its front delimited by epistome, and commonly closed by operculiform third maxillipeds [Moore and McCormick, 1969]. (Order Decapoda) … Crustacea glossary
cold frame — n BrE a box like structure with sides and a top made of glass or clear plastic, used for keeping young plants warm as they start to grow … Dictionary of contemporary English
space frame — A type of frame construction which has high rigidity for its low weight. It is used with some racing and low production cars. It is made up of several lengths of tubing welded into a strong, light web like structure to which the engine,… … Dictionary of automotive terms