- annual
1) ежегодник2) годовой; ежегодный
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
annual — an‧nu‧al [ˈænjuəl] adjective 1. annual events happen once a year: • Shareholders can vote at the annual meeting. • an annual audit see also semi annual 2. ACCOUNTING calculated over a period of a year … Financial and business terms
Annual — or yearly is a word often used to describe something that happens once a year. Circannual describes events that take place over the course of one year and repeat year after year. Annual may be an abbreviation for: Yearbook Annual plant Annual… … Wikipedia
Annual — An nu*al (?; 135), a. [OE. annuel, F. annuel, fr. L. annualis, fr. annus year. Cf. {Annals}.] 1. Of or pertaining to a year; returning every year; coming or happening once in the year; yearly. [1913 Webster] The annual overflowing of the river… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Annual — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Annual (en árabe, أنوال Anwāl) es una población en el noroeste de Marruecos a unos 60 km al oeste de Melilla. En sus cercanías se entabló el 22 de julio de 1921 la batalla que en España se conoce como el desastre de… … Wikipedia Español
Annual — steht für einbrütig in der Zoologie Annual (Publikation), in der Publizistik Annual (Marokko), Ort in Marokko Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bez … Deutsch Wikipedia
annual — [adj1] occurring, done yearly anniversary, each year, every year, once a year, year end; concepts 541,823 annual [adj2] lasting for a year a year’s worth, yearlong; concept 798 annual [n] book produced once a year annuary, report, summary, y … New thesaurus
Annual — An nu*al, n. 1. A thing happening or returning yearly; esp. a literary work published once a year. [1913 Webster] 2. Anything, especially a plant, that lasts but one year or season; an annual plant. [1913 Webster] Oaths . . . in some sense almost … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
annual — ► ADJECTIVE 1) occurring once a year. 2) calculated over or covering a year. 3) (of a plant) living for a year or less. ► NOUN 1) a book or magazine of a series published once a year. 2) an annual plant. DERIVATIVES … English terms dictionary
annual — [an′yo͞o əl; ] often [ an′yool, an′yəl] adj. [ME & OFr annuel < LL annualis, a year old < L annus, year < IE * atnos < base * at , to go, year > Goth athnam (dat. pl.), years, Sans átati, (he) goes] 1. of or measured by a year 2.… … English World dictionary
Annuāl — (lat.), jährlich; Annuale, eine ein Jahr hindurch zu lesende Seelenmesse … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
annual — see perennial … Modern English usage