fractional-N division
Смотреть что такое "fractional-N division" в других словарях:
Fractional ownership — In business, fractional ownership is a percentage share of an expensive asset. Shares are sold to individual owners. A fractional owner enjoys priorities and privileges, such as reduced rates, priority access on holidays and income sharing.… … Wikipedia
Division (mathematics) — Divided redirects here. For other uses, see Divided (disambiguation). For the digital implementation of mathematical division, see Division (digital). In mathematics, especially in elementary arithmetic, division (÷ … Wikipedia
Division (digital) — Several algorithms exist to perform division in digital designs. These algorithms fall into two main categories: slow division and fast division. Slow division algorithms produce one digit of the final quotient per iteration. Examples of slow… … Wikipedia
fractional — As applied to tracts of land, particularly townships, sections, quarter sections, and other divisions according to the government survey, and also mining claims, this term means that the exterior boundary lines are laid down to include the whole… … Black's law dictionary
fractional — As applied to tracts of land, particularly townships, sections, quarter sections, and other divisions according to the government survey, and also mining claims, this term means that the exterior boundary lines are laid down to include the whole… … Black's law dictionary
2007–08 Danish 1st Division — Viasat Divisionen Season 2007 08 Champions Vejle BK Promoted Vejle BK SønderjyskE Relegated HIK Aarhus Fremad Ølstykke FC Goals scored … Wikipedia
Swami Bharati Krishna Tirtha's Vedic mathematics — For the actual mathematics of the Vedic period, see the articles on Sulba Sūtras and Indian mathematics.Swami Bharati Krishna Tirtha s Vedic mathematics is a system of mathematics consisting of a list of 16 basic sūtras, or aphorisms. They were… … Wikipedia
mathematics — /math euh mat iks/, n. 1. (used with a sing. v.) the systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically. 2. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) mathematical procedures,… … Universalium
Fraction (mathematics) — A cake with one quarter removed. The remaining three quarters are shown. Dotted lines indicate where the cake may be cut in order to divide it into equal parts. Each quarter of the cake is denoted by the fraction 1/4. A fraction (from Latin:… … Wikipedia
Frequency divider — A frequency divider, also called a clock divider or scaler or prescaler, is a circuit that takes an input signal of a frequency, fin, and generates an output signal of a frequency: where n is an integer. Phase locked loop frequency synthesizers… … Wikipedia
arithmetic — arithmetically, adv. n. /euh rith meuh tik/; adj. /ar ith met ik/, n. 1. the method or process of computation with figures: the most elementary branch of mathematics. 2. Also called higher arithmetic, theoretical arithmetic. the theory of… … Universalium