- four-wheeled wagon
двухосный грузовой вагон
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
wagon — [wag′ən] n. [Du wagen < PGmc * wagna : see WAIN] 1. any of various types of four wheeled vehicles; specif., a) a horse drawn vehicle for hauling heavy loads b) a small cart pulled or steered by means of a pole handle and used by children in… … English World dictionary
wagon — wagonless, adj. /wag euhn/, n. 1. any of various kinds of four wheeled vehicles designed to be pulled or having its own motor and ranging from a child s toy to a commercial vehicle for the transport of heavy loads, delivery, etc. 2. Informal. See … Universalium
Four-wheel drive — This article is about the class of vehicle drivetrains. For other uses, see Four by four/Four wheel drive (disambiguation). All wheel drive redirects here. For the all wheel drive in motorcycles, see two wheel drive. The Jeep Wrangler is a 4WD… … Wikipedia
wagon — I. noun Etymology: Dutch wagen, from Middle Dutch more at wain Date: 15th century 1. a. a usually four wheeled vehicle for transporting bulky commodities and drawn originally by animals b. a lighter typically horse drawn vehicle for transporting… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Wagon — A wagon (in British English, sometimes waggon) or dray is a heavy four wheeled vehicle. Wagons were formerly pulled by animals such as horses, mules or oxen. Today farm wagons are pulled by tractors and trucks. Wagons are used for transportation… … Wikipedia
wagon — 1. noun /wæɡ.ən/ a) A four wheeled cart for hauling loads. “I’m not like that; I know what you mean but I’m not like that. When you said a field I nearly laughed because I was in a field last week with Ursula Brogan behind the football pitch. We… … Wiktionary
wagon — wag•on [[t]ˈwæg ən[/t]] n. 1) trs any of various kinds of four wheeled vehicles designed to be pulled or having its own motor and ranging from a child s toy to a commercial vehicle for the transport of heavy loads, delivery, etc 2) trs inf… … From formal English to slang
wagon — n. (also Brit. waggon) 1 a four wheeled vehicle for heavy loads, often with a removable tilt or cover. 2 Brit. a railway vehicle for goods, esp. an open truck. 3 a trolley for conveying tea etc. 4 (in full water wagon) a vehicle for carrying… … Useful english dictionary
Wagon — n. (also Brit. waggon) 1 a four wheeled vehicle for heavy loads, often with a removable tilt or cover. 2 Brit. a railway vehicle for goods, esp. an open truck. 3 a trolley for conveying tea etc. 4 (in full water wagon) a vehicle for carrying… … Useful english dictionary
wagon — /ˈwægən / (say waguhn) noun 1. any of various kinds of four wheeled vehicles, especially one designed for the transport of heavy loads, delivery, etc. 2. Also, railway wagon. a railway truck, especially one for carrying goods, stock, etc. 3. →… …
wagon — A four wheeled vehicle, drawn by horses or oxen, almost unknown in the age of motor vehicles, for the transportation of goods, wares, merchandise, and personal property of all descriptions, as well as of persons. Quigley v Gorham, 5 Cal 418 … Ballentine's law dictionary