- forward eccentric
эксцентрик переднего хода
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Eccentric — Ec*cen tric ([e^]k*s[e^]n tr[i^]k), n. 1. A circle not having the same center as another contained in some measure within the first. [1913 Webster] 2. One who, or that which, deviates from regularity; an anomalous or irregular person or thing.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Forward Montana — is a 501(c)4 non profit organization located in Missoula, Montana. [ [http://www.forwardmontana.org/ Forward Montana Home ] ] It is described as a non profit, non partisan organization dedicated to training, mobilizing, and electing a new… … Wikipedia
eccentric — ► ADJECTIVE 1) unconventional and slightly strange. 2) technical not placed centrally or not having its axis placed centrally. 3) technical (of an orbit) not circular, especially to a marked degree. ► NOUN 1) an eccentric person. 2) a cam or… … English terms dictionary
eccentric — adj. & n. adj. 1 odd or capricious in behaviour or appearance; whimsical. 2 a not placed, not having its axis etc. placed centrally. b (often foll. by to) (of a circle) not concentric (to another). c (of an orbit) not circular. n. 1 an eccentric… … Useful english dictionary
eccentric — [ɪk sɛntrɪk, ɛk ] adjective 1》 unconventional and slightly strange. 2》 technical not placed centrally or not having its axis placed centrally. ↘(of an orbit) not circular, especially to a marked degree. noun 1》 an eccentric person. 2》 a cam… … English new terms dictionary
Eccentric British folk sports — *Haggis hurling or throwing – A Scottish game involving throwing a haggis. [http://www.lighthousethinking.com/what/learning/content/showme/index.htm Modern Haggis Hurling] is judged on the basis of distance and accuracy of the hurl and a split or … Wikipedia
Back eccentric — Eccentric Ec*cen tric ([e^]k*s[e^]n tr[i^]k), n. 1. A circle not having the same center as another contained in some measure within the first. [1913 Webster] 2. One who, or that which, deviates from regularity; an anomalous or irregular person or … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fore eccentric — Eccentric Ec*cen tric ([e^]k*s[e^]n tr[i^]k), n. 1. A circle not having the same center as another contained in some measure within the first. [1913 Webster] 2. One who, or that which, deviates from regularity; an anomalous or irregular person or … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Link motion — Link mo tion (l[i^][ng]k m[=o] sh[u^]n) n. (Steam Engine) A valve gear, consisting of two eccentrics with their rods, giving motion to a slide valve by an adjustable connecting bar, called the link, in such a way that the motion of the engine can … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
eccentrically — eccentric ► ADJECTIVE 1) unconventional and slightly strange. 2) technical not placed centrally or not having its axis placed centrally. 3) technical (of an orbit) not circular, especially to a marked degree. ► NOUN 1) an eccentric person. 2) a… … English terms dictionary
eccentricity — eccentric ► ADJECTIVE 1) unconventional and slightly strange. 2) technical not placed centrally or not having its axis placed centrally. 3) technical (of an orbit) not circular, especially to a marked degree. ► NOUN 1) an eccentric person. 2) a… … English terms dictionary