format storage

format storage
полигр. хранение параметров набора; хранение формата

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "format storage" в других словарях:

  • Format Universel De Disque — Pour les articles homonymes, voir UDF. Gravure de disque optique Disque optique Image disque Graveurs Logiciel de gravure Types de disques optiques Laserdisc …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Format universel de disque — Pour les articles homonymes, voir UDF. Gravure de disque optique Disque optique Image disque Graveurs Logiciel de gravure Types de disques optiques Laserdisc …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Format — For mat (f[ o]r m[.a] or f[ o]r m[aum]t ), n. [F. or G. Cf. {Formation}.] 1. (Print.) The shape and size of a book or other printed publication; hence, its external form. [WordNet sense 2] [Webster 1913 Suppl.] The older manuscripts had been… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • format — ► NOUN 1) the way in which something is arranged or presented. 2) the shape, size, and presentation of a book, document, etc. 3) the medium in which a sound recording is made available: LP and CD formats. 4) Computing a defined structure for the… …   English terms dictionary

  • Storage effect — When species populations encounter a period of time when resources are limiting the ability for a species to sustain itself and recover in size to a stronger and more abundant population is the basis of the storage effect. Knowing how a… …   Wikipedia

  • Storage Networking Industry Association — An association of producers and consumers of storage networking products, whose goal is to further storage networking technology and applications.The Storage Networking Industry Association, or SNIA, was incorporated in December, 1997, and is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Format war — A format war describes competition between mutually incompatible proprietary formats, typically for data storage devices and recording formats for electronic media. It is often characterized by political and financial influence on content… …   Wikipedia

  • format — noun the way in which something is arranged or presented. ↘Computing a defined structure for the processing, storage, or display of data. verb (formats, formatting, formatted) (especially in computing) arrange or put into a format. ↘prepare (a… …   English new terms dictionary

  • format — n. & v. n. 1 the shape and size of a book, periodical, etc. 2 the style or manner of an arrangement or procedure. 3 Computing a defined structure for holding data etc. in a record for processing or storage. (formatted, formatting) 1 arrange …   Useful english dictionary

  • format — I. noun Etymology: French or German; French, from German, from Latin formatus, past participle of formare to form, from forma Date: 1840 1. the shape, size, and general makeup (as of something printed) 2. general plan of organization, arrangement …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • format — /ˈfɔmæt / (say fawmat) noun 1. the shape and size of a book or the like as determined by the number of times the original sheet has been folded to form the leaves: three different formats are octavo, duodecimo and sextodecimo. 2. the general… …  

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