Смотреть что такое "forecastle" в других словарях:
Forecastle — Forecastle, also spelled fo c s le (pronEng|ˈfoʊksəl), originally meant the upper deck of a sailing ship, forward of the foremast. The syncope of the word is common among nautical terms due to the nature of their pronunciation during the age of… … Wikipedia
Forecastle — Fore cas tle (?; sailors say ?), n. (Naut.) (a) A short upper deck forward, formerly raised like a castle, to command an enemy s decks. (b) That part of the upper deck of a vessel forward of the foremast, or of the after part of the fore channels … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
forecastle — (n.) c.1400, earlier Anglo Fr. forechasteil (mid 14c.), from M.E. FORE (Cf. fore ) before + castel fortified tower, the short raised deck in the fore part of the ship used in warfare (see CASTLE (Cf. castle) (n.)). Spelling fo c sle reflects… … Etymology dictionary
forecastle — see fo c sle … Modern English usage
forecastle — (also fo c s le) ► NOUN ▪ the forward part of a ship below the deck, traditionally used as the crew s living quarters … English terms dictionary
forecastle — [fōk′səl, fôr′kas΄əl] n. [ FORE + CASTLE: from the foremost of the two castlelike structures on the hull of a medieval vessel] 1. the upper deck of a ship in front of the foremast 2. the front part of a merchant ship, where the crew s quarters… … English World dictionary
forecastle — UK [ˈfəʊks(ə)l] / US [ˈfoʊks(ə)l] noun [countable] Word forms forecastle : singular forecastle plural forecastles the front part of a ship … English dictionary
forecastle — [[t]fo͟ʊksl[/t]] forecastles also fo c sle N COUNT: usu the N in sing The forecastle is the part at the front of a ship where the sailors live … English dictionary
forecastle — /ˈfoʊksəl / (say fohksuhl) noun 1. the forward part of a ship, comprising the bow and areas in its immediate vicinity. 2. the sailors quarters in the forward part of a merchant vessel. 3. Also, forecastle head. a short raised deck in the forepart …
forecastle deck — noun : a partial deck above the main deck at the bow of a ship over a forecastle * * * Naut. a partial weather deck on top of a forecastle superstructure; topgallant forecastle. [1850 55] * * * forecastle deck or forecastle head, the small,… … Useful english dictionary
forecastle head — Naut. 1. the extreme fore part of a forecastle superstructure. 2. the extreme fore part of the main weather deck of a vessel that has no forecastle superstructure. * * * forecastle deck or forecastle head, the small, raised deck behind the bow of … Useful english dictionary