forced state

forced state
1) вынужденное состояние
2) вынужденный режим

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "forced state" в других словарях:

  • State atheism — is the official promotion of atheism by a government, typically by active suppression of religious freedom and practice. [ Protest for Religious Rights in the USSR: Characteristics and Consequences] , David… …   Wikipedia

  • Forced labor of Germans in the Soviet Union — was considered by the Soviet Union to be part of German war reparations for the damage inflicted by Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union during World War II.Poland, France, the United Kingdom and the U.S. also made heavy use of Germans as forced… …   Wikipedia

  • Forced suicide — is a method of execution where the victim is given the choice of committing suicide or facing an alternative they perceive as worse, such as suffering torture; having friends or family members imprisoned, tortured or killed; or losing honor,… …   Wikipedia

  • Forced assimilation — is a process of forced cultural assimilation of religious or ethnic minority groups, into an established and generally larger community. This presumes a loss of many characteristics which make the minority different. Ethnic assimilation If a… …   Wikipedia

  • State Defense Guard (Czechoslovakia) — State Defense Guard (in Czech Stráž obrany státu, SOS) was a military service established in 1936 to protect borders of Czechoslovakia.From 1918 to 1936 border of Czechoslovakia was protected by finance guard ( finanční stráž ), an armed branch… …   Wikipedia

  • Forced settlements in the Soviet Union — took several forms. Though the most notorious was the Gulag labor camp system of penal labor, resettling of entire categories of population was another method of political repression. At the same time, involuntary settlement played a role in the… …   Wikipedia

  • State Defense Forces — (SDF) (also known as State Guards, State Military Reserves, or State Militias) in the United States are military units that operate under the sole authority of a state government, although they are regulated by the National Guard Bureau through… …   Wikipedia

  • State university and college — Systems in the Philippines, or also known by its acronym SUC refers to any public institutions of higher learning that were created it by an act passed by the Philippine Congress, and is fully subsidized by the national government. An SUC is also …   Wikipedia

  • State Guard Association of the United States — Abbreviation SGAUS Formation 1985 Legal status 501(c)(6) …   Wikipedia

  • State of nature — is a term in political philosophy used in social contract theories to describe the hypothetical condition that preceded governments. There must have been a time before government, and so the question is how legitimate government could emerge from …   Wikipedia

  • Forced-access regulation — refers to any regulation put into place by the state forcing private communication carriers to allow its competitors to use their networks for their own business purposes.The common justification put forth for forced access is that doing so… …   Wikipedia

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