food kettle

food kettle
пищеварочный котёл

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "food kettle" в других словарях:

  • Kettle (disambiguation) — Kettle may mean:*Kettle or teakettle, a metal pot with a spout and lid for boiling water for tea *Kettle (birds), a group of birds wheeling in flight *Kettle (landform), a glacial landform *Kettle Foods, a snack food company based in Salem,… …   Wikipedia

  • Kettle Bottom — is a collection of historical poems published in 2004 by Perugia Press in Florence, Massachusetts and written by Diane Gilliam Fisher. The collection’s deep focus is on the West Virginia Coal Wars of 1920 and 1921. [Fisher, Diane. Kettle Bottom.… …   Wikipedia

  • Kettle Foods — is an international manufacturer of potato chips and other snack foods based in Salem, Oregon, United States. As of 2006 they were the largest natural potato chip brand in the U.S. [Kish, Matthew. [… …   Wikipedia

  • kettle — [ket′ l] n. [ME ketel < ON ketill, akin to OE cetel, Ger kessel, Goth katils, early Gmc loanword < L catillus, dim. of catinus, container for food] 1. a metal container for boiling or cooking things; pot 2. a teakettle 3. a kettledrum 4.… …   English World dictionary

  • Kettle Restaurants — Infobox Company company name = Kettle Restaurants of America company company type = Private foundation = 1968 location = Nacogdoches, Texas industry = Food products = homepage = [ Kettle] Kettle Restaurants are located in 21… …   Wikipedia

  • Food — For other uses, see Food (disambiguation). Part of a series on …   Wikipedia

  • kettle — 1. noun /ˈketəl/ a) A vessel for boiling a liquid or cooking food, usually metal and equipped with a lid. To cook pasta, you first need to put the kettle on. b) The quantity held by a kettle. Theres a hot kettle of so …   Wiktionary

  • kettle — [13] Latin catīnus denoted a ‘deep pan or dish in which food was cooked or served’. Its diminutive form catillus was borrowed into prehistoric Germanic as *katilaz, which passed into Old English in the form cetel. This produced Middle English… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • kettle — noun 1》 a metal or plastic container with a lid, spout, and handle, used for boiling water. 2》 a container in which operations are carried out on metals or other substances with a low melting point. Phrases a different kettle of fish informal a… …   English new terms dictionary

  • kettle — n. a vessel, usu. of metal with a lid, spout, and handle, for boiling water in. Phrases and idioms: kettle hole a depression in the ground in a glaciated area. a pretty kettle of fish an awkward state of affairs. Derivatives: kettleful n. (pl.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • kettle — [13] Latin catīnus denoted a ‘deep pan or dish in which food was cooked or served’. Its diminutive form catillus was borrowed into prehistoric Germanic as *katilaz, which passed into Old English in the form cetel. This produced Middle English… …   Word origins

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