focal power

focal power
оптическая сила

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "focal power" в других словарях:

  • focal power — lęšio laužiamoji geba statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Dydis, atvirkščiai proporcingas lęšio židinio nuotoliui. Matavimo vienetas – dioptrija. Žymimas dpt: 1 dpt = 1 m⁻¹. atitikmenys: angl. dioptric power; focal power;… …   Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas

  • focal power — optinės sistemos laužiamoji geba statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. focal power vok. Brechkraft, f; Brechwert, m rus. оптическая сила оптической системы, f pranc. puissance dioptrique du système optique, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • power (x) —    1. a unit expressing the magnifying power of an optical system. The power is defined to be the angular diameter of the image formed by the system divided by the angular diameter of the original object being observed. In simple telescopes this… …   Dictionary of units of measurement

  • FOCAL (programming language) — FOCAL, (abbreviation of FOrmula CALculator), is an interpreted programming language resembling JOSS.Largely the creation of Richard Merrill, FOCAL was initially written for and had its largest impact on the Digital Equipment Corporation s (DEC s) …   Wikipedia

  • FOCAL-69 — was the landmark version of the FOCAL programming language, more widely publicized than the original version of the language created in 1968. FOCAL 69, created by Richard Merrill is important because: * It was the basis for all later derivatives… …   Wikipedia

  • Power — may refer to*any ability to effect change;political or social * Power (philosophy) ** Political power, power held by a person or group in a country s political system ** Reserve power, a power exercised by a head of state in certain exceptional… …   Wikipedia

  • Focal adhesion kinase — (FAK) is a focal adhesion associated protein kinase involved in cellular adhesion and spreading processes. [Lackie, J.M. Dow, J.A.T., The Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology, 3rd Edition, Academic Press, London, 1999] It is used by cells to… …   Wikipedia

  • Focal length — The focal length of an optical system is a measure of how strongly it converges (focuses) or diverges (diffuses) light. A system with a shorter focal length has greater optical power than one with a long focal length. Thin lens approximation For… …   Wikipedia

  • Focal subgroup theorem — In abstract algebra, the focal subgroup theorem describes the fusion of elements in a Sylow subgroup of a finite group. The focal subgroup theorem was introduced in (Higman 1958) and is the first major application of the transfer according to… …   Wikipedia

  • Power (physics) — In physics, power is the rate at which energy is transferred, used, or transformed. For example, the rate at which a light bulb transforms electrical energy into heat and light is measured in watts the more wattage, the more power, or what is the …   Wikipedia

  • Focal plane array testing — (under development sep 15)Focal Plane Array testing (FPA testing) is the test engineering process of validation and verification (V V) of operation of focal plane array imaging devices, device under test (DUT), at various levels of the… …   Wikipedia

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