foam glass-ceramic

foam glass-ceramic
пеностеклокерамика, пеноситалл

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "foam glass-ceramic" в других словарях:

  • Glass microsphere — For microspheres made of other materials, see Microsphere. SEM micrograph of a glass microsphere in concrete Glass microspheres are microscopic spheres of glass manufactured for a wide variety of uses in research, medicine, consumer goods and… …   Wikipedia

  • Ceramic engineering — Simulation of the outside of the Space Shuttle as it heats up to over 1,500 °C (2,730 °F) during re entry into the Earth s atmosphere Ceramic engineering is the science and technology of creating objects from inorganic, non metallic… …   Wikipedia

  • Foam — This article is about the substance formed from trapped gas bubbles. For other uses, see Foam (disambiguation). Soap foam bubbles Contents 1 Definition …   Wikipedia

  • Ceramic mold casting — Ceramic mold casting, also known ambiguously as ceramic molding,[1] is a group of metal casting processes that use ceramics as the mold material. It is a combination of plaster mold casting and investment casting.[2][3] There are two types of… …   Wikipedia

  • Metal foam — Foamed aluminium A metal foam is a cellular structure consisting of a solid metal, frequently aluminium, containing a large volume fraction of gas filled pores. The pores can be sealed (closed cell foam), or they can form an interconnected… …   Wikipedia

  • Syntactic foam — Syntactic foams are composite materials synthesized by filling a metal, polymer or ceramic matrix with hollow particles called microballoons. The presence of hollow particles results in lower density, higher strength, a lower thermal expansion… …   Wikipedia

  • building construction — Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and… …   Universalium

  • Insulated glazing — (IG) also known as double glazing are double or triple glass window panes separated by an air or other gas filled space to reduce heat transfer across a part of the building envelope. Glass in windows is used to provide light and allow a view… …   Wikipedia

  • Optical lens design — refers to the calculation of lens construction parameters (variables) that will meet a set of performance requirements and constraints, including cost and schedule limitations. Construction parameters include surface profile types (spherical,… …   Wikipedia

  • Aggregate (composite) — Aggregate is the component of a composite material used to resist compressive stress. For efficient filling, aggregate should be much smaller than the finished item, but have a wide variety of sizes. For example, the particles of stone used to… …   Wikipedia

  • Churning (butter) — Farmer selling the churned butter (machine in the foreground). Churning is the process of shaking up whole milk (or cream) to make butter, and various forms of butter churn have been used for the purpose. In Europe from the Middle Ages until the… …   Wikipedia

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