flying-spot scanner

flying-spot scanner
1) устройство сканирования с бегущим лучом
2) телекинодатчик бегущего луча

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "flying-spot scanner" в других словарях:

  • Flying-spot scanner — A flying spot scanner (FSS) uses a scanning source of a spot of light, such as a high resolution, high light output, low persistence Cathode Ray Tube (CRT), to scan an image, usually from motion picture film or a slide. The output of the scanner… …   Wikipedia

  • flying spot scanner — noun a device for scanning the object to be transmitted in a television system, using a spot of light which is generated by a cathode ray tube and received by a photo sensitive multiplier …  

  • flying spot scanner —    A scanning device that uses a point of light passed over a document to convert it to electronic signals …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • scanner — /ˈskænə/ (say skanuh) noun 1. someone or something that scans. 2. Medicine a machine used to scan (def. 8) an area, organ, or system of the body. 3. TV → flying spot scanner. 4. Computers → optical scanner. 5. → barcode reader …  

  • Motion picture film scanner — A motion picture film scanner is a device used in digital filmmaking to scan original film for storage as high resolution digital intermediate files. A film scanner scans original film stock: negative or positive print or reversal/IP. Units may… …   Wikipedia

  • Full body scanner — Backscatter x ray image of TSA Security Laboratory Director Susan Hallowell. A full body scanner is a device that creates an image of a person s nude body through their clothing to look for hidden objects without physically removing their clothes …   Wikipedia

  • The Curse of the Black Spot — 215 – The Curse of the Black Spot Doctor Who episode …   Wikipedia

  • Telecine — For a television network in Brazil, see Rede Telecine. Telecine (  /ˈtɛl …   Wikipedia

  • Mechanical television — This schematic shows the circular paths traced by the holes in a Nipkow disk. Mechanical television (also called televisor) was a broadcast television system that used mechanical or electromechanical devices to capture and display video images.… …   Wikipedia

  • History of television — The Television technology can be divided along two lines: those developments that depended upon both mechanical and electronic principles, and those dependent only on electronic principles. From the latter descended all modern televisions, but… …   Wikipedia

  • Intermediate film system — The intermediate film system was a television process in which motion picture film was processed almost immediately after it was exposed in a camera, then scanned by a television scanner, and transmitted over the air. This system was used… …   Wikipedia

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