- anhydrous ferric chloride
безводный трихлорид железа
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
ferric chloride — noun : a deliquescent salt FeCl3 that is obtained in anhydrous form (as by heating iron in chlorine) as dark crystals appearing red by transmitted light and green by reflected light, that forms several crystalline hydrates (as the yellow… … Useful english dictionary
ferric chloride — Chem. a compound that in its anhydrous form, FeCl3, occurs as a black brown, water soluble solid; in its hydrated form, FeCl3·xH2O, it occurs in orange yellow, deliquescent crystals: used chiefly in engraving, for deodorizing sewage, as a mordant … Universalium
Iron(III) chloride — Iron(III) chloride … Wikipedia
Iron(II) chloride — Iron(II) chloride … Wikipedia
Friedel–Crafts reaction — The Friedel–Crafts reactions are a set of reactions developed by Charles Friedel and James Crafts in 1877.[1] There are two main types of Friedel–Crafts reactions: alkylation reactions and acylation reactions. This reaction type is a form of… … Wikipedia
Friedel-Crafts reaction — The Friedel Crafts reactions are a set of reactions developed by Charles Friedel and James Crafts in 1877. [Friedel, C.; Crafts, J. M. Compt. Rend. 1877, 84 , [http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k30410/f1386.table 1392]… … Wikipedia
Terpyridin — Strukturformel Allgemeines Name Terpyridin Andere Namen … Deutsch Wikipedia
acid–base reaction — ▪ chemistry Introduction a type of chemical process typified by the exchange of one or more hydrogen ions, H+, between species that may be neutral (molecules, such as water, H2O; or acetic acid, CH3CO2H) or electrically charged (ions, such… … Universalium
Chlorobenzene — IUPAC name … Wikipedia
Ferrocene — Chembox new ImageFileL1 = Ferrocene 2D.png ImageSizeL1 = 80 px ImageFileR1 = Ferrocene 3D balls B.png ImageSizeR1 = 120 px IUPACName = ferrocene, bis(η5 cyclopentadienyl)iron OtherNames = ferrocene, iron cyclopentadienyl Section1 = Chembox… … Wikipedia
Glass ionomer cement — A Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC) is one of a class of materials commonly used in dentistry as filling materials and luting cements. These materials are based on the reaction of silicate glass powder and polyalkeonic acid. These tooth coloured… … Wikipedia