- floor-manager
помощник режиссёра (в студии)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
floor manager — ➔ manager * * * floor manager UK US noun [C] COMMERCE ► someone who is in charge of a department in a large store: »She works as floor manager at a toy store on the Upper East Side … Financial and business terms
Floor manager — A floor manager is a member of the crew of a television show.A floor manager is responsible for managing the studio floor that is, where the cameras, sets and talent operate. He or she is the link between the studio and the control room that is,… … Wikipedia
floor manager — noun 1. : floorwalker 2. : a person who directs something (as the maneuverings in favor of a candidate at a convention, the progress of a bill in a legislative assembly, or the handling of material in a warehouse) from the floor 3. : the stage… … Useful english dictionary
floor manager — /ˈflɔ mænədʒə/ (say flaw manuhjuh) noun 1. the person in charge of the area of the set (def. 70) in a television production. 2. a person in charge of a floor of a department store, etc. {floor + manager; def. 2 US (1880s) …
floor manager — floor′ man ager n. 1) gov a person assigned to direct the proceedings on the floor of an assembly, as at a political convention 2) sbz the stage manager of a television program 3) a floorwalker • Etymology: 1885–90, amer … From formal English to slang
floor manager — 1. a person assigned to direct the proceedings on the floor of an assembly, as at a political convention. 2. the stage manager of a television program. [1885 90, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
floor manager — noun A manager who works on the floor and may directly interacts with customers rather than one who works from a desk at a distance from the work … Wiktionary
floor manager — noun Date: 1887 a person who directs something from the floor (as of a nominating convention) … New Collegiate Dictionary
floor manager — noun 1》 the stage manager of a television production. 2》 a supervisor of shop assistants in a large store … English new terms dictionary
floor manager — / flɔ: ˌmænɪdʒə/ noun US a person in charge of the sales staff in a department store … Marketing dictionary in english
floor-man|age — «FLR MAN ihj, FLOHR », transitive verb, aged, ag|ing. U.S. to direct as a floor manager or floor leader: »Within two years he was floor managing major New Deal legislation (Harper s) … Useful english dictionary