floating potential

floating potential
плавающий потенциал

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "floating potential" в других словарях:

  • floating potential — plūdrusis potencialas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. floating potential vok. Schwebespannung, f rus. плавающий потенциал, m pranc. tension flottante, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • Floating Car Data — bezeichnet einen Systemvorschlag mit Daten, die aus einem Fahrzeug heraus generiert werden, welches aktuell am Verkehrsgeschehen teilnimmt. Das umfasst sowohl Daten über den Zustand des Fahrens als auch Zustandsdaten des Ortes beim Stehen, zum… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Floating charge — A floating charge is a security interest over a fund of changing assets of a company or a limited liability partnership (LLP), which floats or hovers until conversion into a fixed charge, at which point the charge attaches to specific assets. The …   Wikipedia

  • Floating body effect — The floating body effect is the effect of dependence of the body potential of a transistor realized by the silicon on insulator technology on the history of its biasing and the carrier recombination processes. The transistor s body forms a… …   Wikipedia

  • Floating-gate transistor — The floating gate transistor is a kind of transistor that is commonly used for non volatile storage such as flash, EPROM and EEPROM memory. Floating gate transistors are almost always floating gate MOSFETs.Floating gate MOSFETs are useful because …   Wikipedia

  • Floating Gate MOSFET — The Floating Gate MOSFET (FGMOS) is a field effect transistor, whose structure is similar to a conventional MOSFET. The gate of the FGMOS is electrically isolated, creating a floating node in DC, and a number of secondary gates or inputs are… …   Wikipedia

  • Potential Breakup Song — Infobox Single Name = Potential Breakup Song Artist = Aly AJ from Album = Insomniatic B side = Careful With Words (UK) Released = flagicon|Canada May 2007 flagicon|US June 26 2007 [ [http://fmqb.com/Article.asp?id=69239#2007 6/26 Mainstream] .… …   Wikipedia

  • Russian floating nuclear power station — Floating nuclear power station redirects here. For the earlier station operated in the Panama Canal Zone, see MH 1A. An artist s rendition of the Akademik Lomonosov Class overview Build …   Wikipedia

  • Cowes Floating Bridge — The Cowes Floating Bridge known as the Cowes Chain Ferry . Route Crosses River Medina Carries Up to 20 cars …   Wikipedia

  • Anti-Invasion Floating Mortar — Also known as Naysmyth s Submarine Mortar and the Steam Ram, the Anti Invasion Floating Hammer was a semi submersible naval ship conceived and published by inventor James Nasmyth in 1853. [Smiles, Samuel, ed., James Nasmyth Engineer: An… …   Wikipedia

  • Langmuir probe — A Langmuir probe is a device named after Nobel Prize winning physicist Irving Langmuir, used to determine the electron temperature, electron density, and electric potential of a plasma. It works by inserting one or more electrodes into a plasma,… …   Wikipedia

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