
1) полёт, режим полёта, продолжительность полёта; дальность полёта || лётный, полётный
2) рейс
3) скребок, пластина, винт (конвейера, элеватора)
4) лестничный марш, пролёт лестницы
5) этаж (здания)
6) быстроходное судно
7) пищ. гонок (рассева)
to cancel the flight — отменять полёт;
to carry out the flight — выполнять полёт;
to commence the flight — начинать полёт;
to complete the flight — завершать полёт;
to decelerate in flight — гасить скорость в полёте;
to jeopardize the flight — подвергать полёт опасности;
to replan the flight — изменять план полёта;
while in flight — во время полёта; в процессе полёта;
whilst awaiting in flight — в ожидании (очередной команды с земли) в полёте;
flight with rated power — полёт на номинальном (расчётном) режиме
accelerated flight
acceptance flight
accident-free flight
advertising flight
aerial survey flight
aerial work flight
aero-tow flight
altitude flight
around-the-world flight
asymmetric flight
back-to-back flight
blind flight
box-pattern flight
bumpy-air flight
business flight
calibration flight
cancelled flight
cargo flight
certification test flight
charter flight
checkout flight
climbing flight
closed-circuit flight
coast-to-coast flight
commercial flight
contact flight
controlled flight
conventional flight
conveyor flight
crop control flight
delayed flight
delivery flight
demonstration flight
direct flight
directed reference flight
emergency flight
endurance flight
en-route flight
experimental flight
familiarization flight
ferry flight
formation flight
fuelless flight
high altitude flight
horizontal flight
hovering flight
hover flight
instructional check flight
instructional dual flight
instructional solo flight
instrument flight
interstellar flight
laser-powered flight
level flight
local flight
lock flight
long-term manned space flight
low-level flight
manned space flight
meteorological reconnaissance flight
non-revenue flight
nonscheduled flight
non-stop flight
non-visual flight
off-airway flight
orbital flight
out-and-return flight
out-of-trim flight
pleasure flight
point-to-point flight
positioning flight
practice flight
production test flight
record-breaking flight
return flight
revenue earning flight
round-trip flight
scheduled flight
shakedown flight
short-haul flight
solar-powered flight
solar flight
steady flight
subsonic flight
supersonic flight
supervised flight
taxi-class flight
test flight
through flight
training dual flight
training flight
training solo flight
transit flight
turn-round flight
uncontrolled flight
unscheduled flight
visual flight
wings-level flight

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "flight" в других словарях:

  • Flight 19 — Artist s depiction of five Avengers. Occurrence summary Date December 5, 1945 …   Wikipedia

  • Flight — is the process by which an object achieves sustained movement either through the air (or movement beyond earth s atmosphere, in the case of spaceflight) by aerodynamically generating lift, propulsive thrust or aerostatically using… …   Wikipedia

  • flight — W2S3 [flaıt] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(travel)¦ 2¦(flying)¦ 3¦(movement through air)¦ 4¦(stairs)¦ 5¦(escape)¦ 6 flight of fancy/imagination/fantasy 7¦(birds)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [: Old English; Origin: flyht] 1.) …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • flight — [ flaıt ] noun *** ▸ 1 moving through air ▸ 2 trip through air/space ▸ 3 (bird) movement in air ▸ 4 an attempt to escape ▸ 5 set of stairs ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) uncount the act or process of moving through the air, or the ability to move through the… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Flight — (fl[imac]t), n. [AS. fliht, flyht, a flying, fr. fle[ o]gan to fly; cf. flyht a fleeing, fr. fle[ o]n to flee, G. flucht a fleeing, Sw. flykt, G. flug a flying, Sw. flygt, D. vlugt a fleeing or flying, Dan. flugt. [root]84. See {Flee}, {Fly}.] 1 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flight — [flaɪt] noun TRAVEL 1. [countable] a journey by plane: • The airline began the regular flights to Santiago less than a year ago. • a return flight to Hong Kong 2. top flight …   Financial and business terms

  • flight — flight1 [flīt] n. [ME fliht < OE flyht (akin to OS fluht, Du vlucht) < base of fleogan, FLY1] 1. the act, manner, or power of flying or moving through space 2. the distance covered or that can be covered at one time by an airplane, bird,… …   English World dictionary

  • flight — flight; flight·ed; flight·er; flight·i·ly; flight·i·ness; flight·ing; flight·less; top·flight·er; pre·flight; …   English syllables

  • flight — ► NOUN 1) the action or process of flying. 2) a journey made in an aircraft or in space. 3) the path of a projectile through the air. 4) a series of steps between floors or levels. 5) the action or an act of fleeing: the enemy were in flight. 6)… …   English terms dictionary

  • flight — I noun absconding, avoidance, decampment, departing, departure, desertion, disappearance, effugium, elusion, escaping, evacuation, evasion, exodus, fleeing, fuga, hasty departure, hegira, leaving, removal, retreat, running away associated… …   Law dictionary

  • Flight — steht für eine Gruppe von Spielern beim Golf, siehe Flight (Golf) eine Fachzeitschrift für Luftfahrt, siehe Flight (Zeitschrift) eine Flughilfe beim Dart, siehe Dart (Spiel) eine Verprobungsrunde auf einer Weinprobe, siehe Flight (Wein) einen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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