- flexography
1) флексография, флексографская печать2) анилиновая печать
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Flexography — (also called surface printing), often abbreviated to flexo, is a method of printing most commonly used for packaging (labels, tape, bags, boxes, banners, etc.).A flexographic print is made by creating a positive mirrored master of the required… … Wikipedia
flexography — flexographic /flek seuh graf ik/, adj. /flek sog ra fee/, n. Print. a relief printing technique similar to letterpress that employs rubber or soft plastic plates, a simple inking system, and fast drying inks. Also called flexographic printing.… … Universalium
flexography — noun Etymology: flexible + o + graphy Date: 1954 a process of rotary letterpress printing using flexible plates and fast drying inks • flexographic adjective • flexographically adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
flexography — noun A method of printing using a rubber or polymer rotating printing plate, most commonly used for packaging (labels, tape etc.). Syn: flexo … Wiktionary
Flexography — Флексография, способ печатания с рельефных эластичных форм; Уст. анилиновая печать, печатание анилиновыми красками; Флексография … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
flexography — [flɛk sɒgrəfi] noun a rotary relief printing method using rubber or plastic plates and fluid inks or dyes, for printing on impervious materials such as plastics, as well as on fabrics and paper. Derivatives flexographic adjective … English new terms dictionary
flexography — flex·og·ra·phy … English syllables
flexography — flex•og•ra•phy [[t]flɛkˈsɒg ræ fi[/t]] n. pri a relief printing technique similar to letterpress that employs rubber or soft plastic plates • Etymology: 1950–55 flex o•graph′ic səˈgræf ɪk adj … From formal English to slang
flexography — /flɛksˈɒgrəfi/ (say fleks ogruhfee) noun a printing process using rubber or plastic plates …
flexography — n. Printing a rotary letterpress technique using rubber or plastic plates and synthetic inks or dyes for printing on fabrics, plastics, etc., as well as on paper. Derivatives: flexographic adj. Etymology: L flexus a bending f. flectere bend +… … Useful english dictionary
Flat-bed flexography — Печатание с эластичных форм на плоскопечатной машине … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии