- angle suspension tower
угловая промежуточная опора
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Suspension tower — In an electric power transmission line, a suspension tower is where the conductors are simply suspended from the tower, the mechanical tension being the same on each side.In this case, the tower is supposed to carry a downward force, and a… … Wikipedia
Tower Bridge — Infobox Bridge bridge name= Tower Bridge caption= Tower Bridge from the North Bank at dusk official name= also known as= carries= A100 Tower Bridge Road motor vehicles, pedestrians crosses= Thames locale= London maint= Bridge House Estates id=… … Wikipedia
Transmission tower — A delta pylon carrying a 400kV power line towards Madrid. A transmission tower (colloquially termed an electricity pylon in the United Kingdom and parts of Europe, an ironman in Australia, and a hydro tower in parts of Canada) is a tall structure … Wikipedia
угловая промежуточная опора — — [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.] Тематики электротехника, основные понятия EN angle suspension tower … Справочник технического переводчика
Hydro-Québec's electricity transmission system — is an expansive, international power transmission system located in Quebec, Canada with extensions into the Northeastern United States. Major expansion of the network began with the commissioning of the alternating current 735,000 volt (735 kV)… … Wikipedia
Fleher Bridge — The Fleher Bridge in Duesseldorf is a motorway bridge (with foot and wheel strips parallel the roadways) over the Rhine, which connects A 46 from the linksrheinischen region (Neuss, Aachen, circle Heinsberg, the Netherlands) with the Bergi… … Wikipedia
bridge — bridge1 bridgeable, adj. bridgeless, adj. bridgelike, adj. /brij/, n., v., bridged, bridging, adj. n. 1. a structure spanning and providing passage over a river, chasm, road, or the like. 2. a connecting, transitional, or intermediate route or… … Universalium
Jerusalem (Before A.D. 71) — • This article deals with the destruction by the Romans after it had become the scene of the Redemption Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Jerusalem (Before A.D. 71) Jerusalem (Before A.D. 71) … Catholic encyclopedia
Drifting (motorsport) — A Toyota Supra in drifting exhibition in Commerce, Georgia Drifting refers to a driving technique and to a motorsport where the driver intentionally over steers, causing loss of traction in the rear wheels through turns, while maintaining vehicle … Wikipedia
United Kingdom — a kingdom in NW Europe, consisting of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: formerly comprising Great Britain and Ireland 1801 1922. 58,610,182; 94,242 sq. mi. (244,100 sq. km). Cap.: London. Abbr.: U.K. Official name, United Kingdom of Great… … Universalium
List of Chinese inventions — A bronze Chinese crossbow mechanism with a buttplate (the wooden components have … Wikipedia