Смотреть что такое "flavorist" в других словарях:
Flavorist — bezeichnet ein Berufsbild in der Lebensmittel und Geschmacksstoffindustrie. Ein Flavorist beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung neuer künstlicher Aromen für Lebensmittel nach natürlichen Vorbildern. Voraussetzung ist meist ein abgeschlossenes… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Flavorist — A flavorist, also known as flavor chemist, is someone who uses both chemistry and art to engineer artificial and natural flavors. The tools and materials used by flavorists are almost the same as that used by perfumers with the exception that… … Wikipedia
flavorist — noun Date: 1964 a specialist in the creation of artificial flavors … New Collegiate Dictionary
flavorist — fla·vor·ist (flāʹvər ĭst) n. One whose profession is blending artificially isolated chemicals to create the taste and smell of a particular food. * * * … Universalium
Flavor — This article is about flavor as a sensory impression. For the particle property, see Flavour (particle physics). For other uses, see Flavor (disambiguation). Flavor or flavour (see spelling differences) is the sensory impression of a food or… … Wikipedia
Pamela Low — (March 16, 1928 June 1, 2007) was an American flavorist, best known for developing and creating the flavor coating for Cap n Crunch breakfast cereal. cite news |first=|last=|title= Pamela Low, created flavor for Cap n Crunch, dies at 79 url= http … Wikipedia
Cap'n Crunch — For other uses, see Captain Crunch (disambiguation). A box of the Cap n Crunch breakfast cereal, featuring the Cap n Crunch character. Cap n Crunch is a product line of sweetened corn and oat breakfast cereals introduced in 1963[1] and manufact … Wikipedia
List of occupations — NoTOC compactTOC · See also · External linksA*Administrator *Agronomist *Archaeologist *Architect *AuditorB*Boatswain *Boilermaker*BooksellerC*Cab driver *Cop *Cabinet maker *Calligrapher *Call girl *Cameraman *Camp Counselor *Car designer… … Wikipedia
Essential oil — A glass vial containing sandalwood oil An essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid containing volatile aroma compounds from plants. Essential oils are also known as volatile oils, ethereal oils or aetherolea, or simply as the oil of the … Wikipedia
Menthol — Not to be confused with methanol. Menthol … Wikipedia
Cinnamomum camphora — For the Australian tree also known as Camphorwood, see Cinnamomum oliveri. Camphor Laurel An ancient camphor tree (estimated to be over 1,000 years old) in Japan Scientific classification … Wikipedia