- angle pass
уголковый калибр
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Pass Plus — is a scheme run in the United Kingdom aimed at young drivers who have just passed the standard driving test. Introduction and purpose The scheme was introduced in 1995 and was designed by the Driving Standards Agency. The scheme was introduced as … Wikipedia
angle of view — The angle subtended by lines that pass through the center of the lens to diametrically opposite corners of the plate or film used. The angle of view of a camera varies with the photographed image and the bellows extension. The amount of ground… … Aviation dictionary
All-pass filter — An all pass filter is an electronic filter that passes all frequencies equally, but changes the phase relationship between various frequencies. It does this by varying its propagation delay with frequency. Generally, the filter is described by… … Wikipedia
Stampede Pass — Infobox Mountain Pass Name = Stampede Pass Photo = Caption = Elevation = convert|3672|ft|m Location= Washington, USA Range = Cascade Range Coordinates = coord|47|17|0|N|121|21|4|W|type:pass Topographic Traversed by = Forest Service Road 54 and… … Wikipedia
Inscribed angle — In geometry, an inscribed angle is formed when two secant lines of a circle (or, in a degenerate case, when one secant line and one tangent line of that circle) intersect on the circle.Typically, it is easiest to think of an inscribed angle as… … Wikipedia
Visual angle — The visual angle is the angle a viewed object subtends at the eye, usually stated in degrees of arc.It also is called the object s angular size. The sketch helps to define it 1,2It shows an observer s eye looking at a frontal extent (the vertical … Wikipedia
Small-angle X-ray scattering — (SAXS) is a small angle scattering (SAS) technique where the elastic scattering of X rays (wavelength 0.1 ... 0.2 nm) by a sample which has inhomogeneities in the nm range, is recorded at very low angles (typically 0.1 10°). This angular range… … Wikipedia
Poem of the Right Angle — The Poem of the Right Angle ( Le Poeme de l Angle Droit ) is a series of 19 paintings and corresponding writings composed by the influential Swiss architect Le Corbusier. Aside from his seminal manifesto Toward an Architecture, The Poem of the… … Wikipedia
critical angle — i. The minimum angle of incidence at which a radio wave of a particular frequency can strike the ionosphere and still be reflected back to the earth. Critical angle is a function of frequency; the higher the frequency, the larger the critical… … Aviation dictionary
Caster angle — is the angular displacement from the vertical axis of the suspension of a steered wheel in a car, bicycle or other vehicle, measured in the longitudinal direction. It is the angle between the pivot line (in a car an imaginary line that runs… … Wikipedia
Active Pass — The pass stretches 5.5 km from northeast to southwest with two roughly right angle bends.It was named for the Active , a United States survey vessel, the first steamer to navigate the pass in 1855. [ Active Pass . Encyclopedia of British Columbia … Wikipedia